Interview Preparation Made Easy

“Right preparation for interview and right guidance is the key for successful interview. The student must learn that skill which helps them to market themselves effectively and efficiently during their interview. Practicing the interview session not only increase the confidence but also enable the aspirant to look forward with a positive attitude while giving the interview. An interview is a two way communication between two people an interviewer and an interview. Exchange of information takes place during an interview process. While giving the interview the candidate is marketing his/her skills and marketing his abilities, knowledge and personality traits. The interview is a platform where the candidate is evaluated on the above parameters and accordingly selected for the suitable profile.
Before going for an interview the candidate must prepare well on the following parameters. Know yourself better know your skills your personal attributes, your verbal and written communication, experience and academic background. You should well aware about your past jobs, your certificates related to volunteer work, school projects and other co-curricular activities. Some important factors which are valued by the employer are verbal and written communication skill. Integrity, honesty and accountability of the aspirant. Aptitude skills, interpersonal and intrapersonal skills. Leadership skills, self confidence, flexibility, versatility, attitude and organization skill. Consider your career plans and goals. It is also a good idea to have a counseling session with an expert to discuss your career goals and future plans.
The persons who are taking the interview expect that you should know well about their company/ organization or institute. Check the organization website, browse web for other related information about the company. The information to be research about mainly includes product, services, location, history and growth of the organization. Prepare yourself before appearing for an interview. A business suit is must required for professional interviews. First impression is the last one as appearing is the first thing people notice during interview. Consider the key points which you wish to stress upon.
Some of the commonly asked question during an interview are – tell me something about yourself, what are your greatest strengths and weaknesses, what factors motivates you to get success. Why are you interested to get this job? Describe your greatest accomplishment till date. How you defines success in your words. Why should we hire you? During the interview the students do arrive 15 minute early to avoid any unseen problem. Show confidence in your abilities and your answers. Ask question from the interviewer if required.

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