Learn Affiliate Marketing: Google Sniper VS Bring the Fresh
Here’s some good information if you have chosen to learn internet marketing and will decide between Bring The Fresh and Google Sniper 2:
You can’t fail.
Read along as we discover why:
Bring The Fresh
I’ve been a proud member of Bring the Fresh for about a year now and I couldn’t be happier with the program. I wasn’t sure that search engine optimization was something I wanted to get into.
Until I joined, my sites were all static, handwritten HTML. I had some fairly unimpressive rankings and wasn’t bringing in anything to speak of. I reached the conclusion that I needed to use something like WordPress to get my rankings up from doing online research.
I can’t even begin to say what a huge difference this made in how my sites rank! And it beats the heck out of writing html any ol’ day. But I digress:
The value just keeps on coming and coming with BTF. It’s kind of like being on the inside, or behind the scenes. Let’s back up for a minute though.
When you join BTF, you are given a manual called the Fast Start Guide, along with your forum membership and a login to view the videos in your members area. Ease into the course and get ready to learn because you’re about to gain insight into what goes on with marketing as it happens and changes.
If you take your time and grasp the basic tenets of BTF, you’ll be pleasantly surprised to see your sites ranking well and pulling in commissions.
I have so many sites on the first page of Google- many with minimal effort on my part, thanks to the excellent BTF techniques- that I can’t keep track of them all.
I’m also learning copywriting, which is something not to be balked at. I’m a Master’s educated former teacher and I thought I knew how to write. Boy was I wrong. You’ll leanr how to get to know your audience and produce copy that converts as well as possible.
But they’re teaching me copywriting now as well- Bring The Fresh is kind of an all in one learning resource. Good thing too, because as I learn to adjust my writing I see my conversions go up- and isn’t that what we’re all really here to do?
Next, we’re on to…
Google Sniper 2.0
George Brown is the originator of Google Sniper, which preceded his new program by a couple of years. Google Sniper 2 improves on the original mainly by providing an updated version that is easy to apply.
George has an interesting way about him- he’s a kid in his early 20’s actually- he’s very mellow and easygoing and has a great sense of humor. GS2 is really more of a great companion to BTF than a substitute- I’ve been influenced by both.
You’ll learn seo with GS2, but it’s more of a “lite” version with less detail and understanding. Certain elements of backlinking with GS2, such as the inclusion of videos, simply made more sense to me when explained by George, however.
George does add content to GS2 as he goes along, but it’s not as extensive as with BTF. Not everyone can add value the way BTF can. BTF is akin to an elite SEO course, while GS2 leans more toward lite.
But don’t think I’m dismissing GS2 as being a poor choice- you’ll earn and learn from both courses, for sure.
Really, they’ll both teach you effectively how to make money online.
Google Sniper 2.0 is a great course that is akin to having a great teacher at a community university. However Bring The Fresh is akin to meeting during office hours with the Dean at an Ivy League college.
Of course, all due respect is given toward George. Also he’s a successful businessman on his own.
Both Google Sniper 2.0 and Bring The Fresh will show you the method to make money with tiny websites. In the end, the brass ring goes to Bring The Fresh because of the high level of value you get, however Google Sniper 2 is also a great program.
You’ll find lots of additional facts about learning internet marketing at this page describing Bring The Fresh VS.Versus Google Sniper 2 . Thank you for reading this commentary, I hope you found it enjoyable and helpful.