Symptoms And Types Of Migraine Headache

The migraine sufferers finds it difficult to indentify the type of migraine that they are experiencing. Since various types of migraine headache has common symptoms it becomes difficult to differentiate the types. The sufferer experiences uneasiness initially in eye socket, neck, back of head and jaw by the dual ache. The dual headache is said to increase the intensity and it starts preventing the movements. The migraine headache has the common symptoms of nausea and vomiting.

The two common types of migraine headaches are classic migraine headache and common migraine headache. Migraine without aura and migraine with aura are the other types of migraine. Aura refers to effects of pre headache and its symptoms. The visual hallucinations is said to be classic migraine headache and it causes partial blindness either in one eye or both by causing jagged lines. Disruption in sight, touch and smell is also caused by migraine. Also numbness feel or smelling something strange are also the common symptoms for migraine aura. The first warning symptom for migraine without aura is dual headache. This will later grow in to throbbing sensation that is painful.

Exertion migraine, hemipleic migraine, noctural migraine, retinal migraine, ophtalmoplegic migraine basilar artery migraine are some of the other types of migraine. Physical exercises may also cause exertion migraine like lifting weigh and bending over. The retinal migraine causes the temporary loss of vision. The hemipleic migraine headache begins with some type of temporary paralysis on either side of the body. This may be little frightening for those who have never experienced migraine ever before. The ophtalmoplegic migraine headache usually begins either in or around eyes and this is associated with the visual distortion or blurred vision. This type of migraine may last for several weeks.

A person suffering from noctural migraine may get affected particularly during night time and do not get proper sleep and this the rare type of migraine affecting the sufferer. Headache is not caused by the abdominal migraine. Abdominal migraine usually causes pain in the stomach or somewhere in the body. Vomiting, nausea are also caused by this pain as a result of migraine. Migraine of this type in children is difficult to found and also when it is occurring actually.

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