Tips on How to Pass the Personal Trainer Exam
You have exerted much time and effort for studying and undergoing the personal trainer certification. And now the last and only step to become certified is passing the personal trainer exam. In order to ensure great exam results, there are some things you can do to prepare for it.
Follow the tips below, and you should have no problem passing your exam.
First, look through your entire course, and know all of the contents. If your book has sample questions, quizzes, etc. make sure you have done all of these and understand the answers. If there is something you don’t understand, ask your instructor for clarification. If you are taking the course online at an accredited institution, such as Brain Measures, there are still instructors available to help you in any way you need.
Second, search for the content emphasis of the personal trainer exam. Surely, there will be some focus or area specialization during the exam. The most common emphasis on a personal trainer exam is functional anatomy, training instructions, exercise prescriptions, health and nutrition, physical fitness, screening, weight management, and exercise physiology. Perhaps your instructor has given you some hints on what you should focus on, but this is not always the case.
Third, to pass the personal trainer exam, review all questions and quizzes, as mentioned above. Another excellent study technique is to make up your own questions. They could be multiple choice, true/false or essay type questions. This is a great way to make sure you understand all of the content in your course. Do the questions over and over until you can do them in your sleep.
Fourth, for mathematics-based questions, always remember to memorize the formulas. Practice your math by trying out formulas with given data. You should be able to answer manually with only a paper and a pen. During the personal trainer exam, you will not be allowed to use calculators.
Fifth, ask your family and your friends to support you while you are studying for the personal trainer exam. When you know you are getting support from your loved ones, you will be more apt to succeed. Research shows that people who are motivated by others are more successful in their endeavours.
Sixth, relax. A day or two before your personal trainer exam, do nothing but relax. You have already gone through pressures and stress of reviewing. Now take the time to prepare your mind.
Seventh, while you are writing your personal training exam, read each question carefully but don’t spend a lot of time on one question. Skip it and come back to it later. Many times other questions will trigger an answer for the one you’re having trouble with. If you absolutely don’t know, make an educated guess. A wrong answer is better than no answer.
Eight, think positive. If you have made the most of your studying time and you relax during your personal trainer exam, you’ll be just fine. A little prayer wouldn’t hurt either!
Congratulations. You are now on the last part of your certification – the personal trainer exam. Be prepared. Follow some tips on how to pass the exam – read, search and focus for exam content emphasis, review yourself, memorize mathematical formulas, ask for your family’s support, relax, read carefully, and think positive.
Brainmeasures is a leading Personal Trainer Exam site and employment testing company which has helped millions of people achieve their goals by giving them the platform to showcase their knowledge and skills to prospective employers. Brainmeasures online personal trainer certification course is a complete and comprehensive guide to help you learn and master all the techniques required to become a successful personal trainer.