Herb Vaporizers: Budget to Premium Models

Are you considering purchasing an herb vaporizer? The vaporizer world can be confusing with the myriad of models to choose from. For your first foray we suggest you first determine the price point that you are willing to invest.

Your best bet is to familiarize yourself with the qualities of different vaporizers, from expensive down to entry-level offerings.

At the high-end vaporizers can cost upwards of $500 and offer a tremendous value for the money in terms of build quality, warranties, and convenience. The highest profile model in this category is a bag style vaporizer. It works by filling large bags with the vapor which can actually be stored for a reasonable amount of time. Bag style vaporizers are a good choice if you plan on having a lot of people over or you have a big party coming up.

The trick with vaporization is to keep the temperature at a level that you get optimum efficiency from the unit while pulling the most key ingredients as possible. Too hot and too cold will minimize the experience for everyone. Many high-end vaporizers control temperature by passing the air over an aluminum block which then transfers the desired temperature almost immediately.

Diaphragm pumps are also used to ensure continuous airflow. As a result of aluminum block control and diaphragm pumps, you’ll see extremely even flow with great flavor and taste.

In the mid range, you have the majority of vaporizers on the market. Things to look for are quality construction and the warranty. Many of these models do not have the pinpoint control available in the expensive designs, but for personal use and small groups a midrange model should do the job. You can expect a choice of digital, or analog temperature controls which is really just a matter of personal preference. Other things to look for are quality glass, solid ceramic heaters, LCD digital screens, fast warm-up, small footprint on a desk or table, and 2 to 5 year warranties.

In terms of budget models you need to make sure you don’t go too low. While it is possible you could get a decent vaporizer under $50 it’s not likely. You should stay in the $75-$150 range as a minimum. Features to look for include decent construction, quick warm-up, quality wands and fixtures, and minimum warranties in case of any breakage.

Do your homework and narrow down your choices. Whichever direction you decide to go, there is a wide variety of products waiting for you!

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