Home Remedies For Sciatica Nerve Pain For Instant Relief!
Are there any home remedies for sciatica nerve pain that give you instant pain relief? The answer is yes. And although there are few remedies that relieve the pain quickly, these remedies are usually not used to cure sciatica because they are just not meant for it. Here I’ll share with you few home remedies that can relieve the pain almost instantly. Let’s start.
Ice compress – I think everyone will agree that ice compress is a great pain relief in many cases, including sciatica. For sciatica sufferers there is a special way to apply it for maximizing results. Instead of just holding it there – you need to apply it 3 times in a raw. Hold it on for 15 minutes each time and take a break of 5 minutes before putting it again. You can use pretty much everything frozen as a compress. One time I used a frozen chicken myself, worked better then I expected!
A massage with an essential chamomile oil – the massage has a great quality of relaxing and loosening the muscles, that is very helpful if we want to let the sciatic nerve rest from the pressure that the muscles around apply on it. The chamomile essential oil is a great anti inflammatory remedy. By combining them together you get a great and fast relief for sciatic nerve pain and you’ll also reduce the inflammation around the nerve which is very important if you want to get rid of sciatica.
Bromelain – I bet you already heard about that magical pain relief for sciatica. Get yourself a bromelain supplement and take one pill every time you feel the pain. It suppose to relieve it in 10 – 20 minutes. Bromelain extracted from pineapples and eating a piece of a pineapple can be even more effective because it’s digested much faster then the supplement!
These methods work great as
sciatica pain
relief but not as a constant cure. Discover how I
cured sciatica
in less then 2 weeks!