Some Penetrating Sealer Basics
It may not be too much to say that your granite and marble countertops can only be as good as your sealant. Though natural stone such as granite slabs are inherently tough, their porous construction makes them easy prey for stains, moisture, and damage from the inside. This can lead to a ruined granite countertop finish, discoloration, and even early damage. That’s why sealing is essential for any granite kitchen. There are several types of stone sealants in the market, and here we look at penetrating sealers.
Penetrating sealers, or also called impregnators, are sealants that goes within the pores of the natural stone and acts as a shield against stains, moisture, and liquid seepage. Compared with other sealers, penetrating sealers go below the stone’s surface and provides it protection from the outside and inside. These sealers are water-resistant, and by rejecting moisture from being absorbed by the stone, it prevents corrosion and structural compromise from within the stone.
Another advantage to using penetrating sealers is that it allows the stones to breathe. What this means is that the sealant not only keeps liquids and stains out, it also allow for trapped moisture from within the stone evaporate. This is the distinct advantage of penetrating sealers over other sealer types. By letting the stones breathe, if ever there was moisture that got through the initial seal, it can dry off in time since air can pass through penetrating sealers.
Of course, penetrating sealers also have disadvantages. One is that they are not entirely immune to salts and efflorescence. Another is that penetrating sealers would also require reapplication since these can wear off the stone in a relatively fast manner. The cost of sealing over time is something that you need to consider especially if you’re sealing a large surface area.
Here are some of the basic things to learn about penetrating sealers. It’s just a matter of weighing the pros and cons, while also giving consideration for your budget. But all in all, penetrating sealers have more advantages than disadvantages.
Should you apply penetrating sealers yourself? It’s a yes and a no. A yes, if you’re comfortable with your own skills and can perform instructions to the letter. If not, then better let your marble or granite slab provider do the job for you. Not only is it safer, you also ensure that the sealing is done properly and effectively.