Certificate of Live Birth Debate Is Obama Really an AMERICAN President?

here’s Marie Osmond again. Good grief, she’s still wearing the same clothes she had on in her last Jenny Craig commercial.?? She must smell like the devil.?? How does she– Oh!-Uh, sorry. The field of contenders for Public Idiot Number One continues to widen.?? ??Republican Senator Richard Shelby of Alabama recently pretended to think that Barack Obama was not born in the United States, and is, therefore, not really the president.?? Speaking with a group of constituents on Saturday, Shelby said, “His father was Kenyan and they said he was born in Hawaii, but I haven’t seen any birth certificate.?? You have to be born in America to be president.”?? (1) This is alarming.?? Obama has produced a “certification of live birth,” rather than a “birth certificate,” (2) which in itself is highly suspicious-but what was he thinking when he failed to deliver it personally, and at once,?? to Senator Shelby??? By this omission, the president-if he’s really the president-demonstrated a shocking lack of judgment.?? How can we ever trust this man??? Shelby later admitted , through a spokesman, that he knew Obama was a U.S. citizen.?? Apparently he had merely been?? disparaging Obama for the benefit of the belligerent,?? willfully unenlightened ones at home.?? Does he realize how insulting this is to those of his constituents who actually have a brain cell or two? Shelby always ??ran as a Democrat, while voting like a Republican, until the day after the 1994 election, when the Republicans took control of both houses of congress.?? At that time, he officially became a Republican-achieving, for the first time ever-and perhaps the last–some modicum of credibility.?? Though a staunch opponent of the stimulus package, Shelby has not always been allergic to federal assistance:?? He has welcomed -indeed, fought for-federal funds for the University of Alabama and other non-federal institutions and projects.?? (3)???? When?? ??legislators?? from other states do that sort of thing, Shelby ??castigates it as “pork.” In 2002, in a closed meeting of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Shelby was given classified information, state secrets ??that stayed secret for precisely ??as long as it took Shelby to leave the session and divulge them ??to–but of course!–Fox News. ??(4) Listening to President Obama’s ??address to Congress on Tuesday night, it occurred to me that even if this man was born in Zimbabwe, I still support him in the office that he currently occupies.?? He is vastly superior morally and intellectually to his predecessor in that office, who was never legally elected to it-neither in 2000 nor in 2004.?? (5) ??And as if Shelby’s hypocrisy ??were not bad enough-and this is especially disturbing-he may not be a U.S. citizen, in which case he is not a senator-in fact, he may not even exist.?? Because although the man is alleged to have been born in Birmingham, Alabama, to this day I have not seen his birth certificate.

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