Restore your computer
You can use System Restore to return your computer to an earlier saved point in your system registry, if the system restore services are on. Your computer will automatically create restore points periodically, and valid restore points may be restored from a list, usually displayed as a calendar of valid restore points. Each date may have several restore point you can choose according to your need. This can be a valuable tool if you have installed a program or made changes to your system setup, and the computer is no longer behaving properly. Even a Computer Support technician will create a restore point before doing any troubleshooting. One can restore his system by simply following the instructions listed below; select a restore point from a time when the computer was known to be good working condition. For any help with System Restore or Computer Support you can contact the Computer Experts.
1. Save any files you are working on, and close all open applications.
2. Click START >> All Programs >> Accessories >> System Tools >> System restore.
3. If you are prompted for it, enter the administrator password.
A. Some Windows installations will only require confirmation.
4. A valid restore point will be suggested.
A. Select the suggested point, or select another from the list.
5. The computer will be restarted using the selected restore point.
System Restore is automatically installed and configured on Windows XP if your computer has at least 200MB of free disk space after Windows XP is installed. You may create system restore points manually, before making changes to the system. Also, if you are using a hard disk with a capacity of less than 1 gigabyte, system restore will not function, and will be automatically disabled. I the above conditions are met, follow the following steps to create a manual restore point:
- Click START >> All Programs >> Accessories >> System Tools >> System restore.
- Click “create.”
- Enter a description of the restore point.
- Click “Create.”
By default Restore points are saved in under x:\system volume information\_restore{558C94FD-3C7F-4954-A02D-26679E6D849E}. Each restore point’s files are saved in a folder named RPXX where XX is a two digit number corresponding to the restore point.
Running System Restore
If you can boot Windows:
Start/Programs/Accessories/System Tools/System Restore. Click the Restore My Computer to an earlier time, next.
If you cannot boot Windows:
Boot into safe mode. Click the System Restore link. Click the Restore My Computer to an earlier time, next.
Note: Current documents, files and e-mail are not affected during a restoration.
Undoing a Restoration
Reversing Restoration if you can boot your computer :
Start/Programs/Accessories/System Tools/System Restore. Click “Undo my last restoration”, next. Click Ok to the
screen message after the reboot.
Reversing Restoration if you cannot boot your computer :
Boot into safe mode, follow the help screen and choose, “Undo my last restoration”.
Note: If you have chosen the wrong restore date, follow the steps under, “Undoing a Restoration”.