What New Parents Should Know About Their Baby’s Skin Care
The daily bath and after bath lotion application is not all that is needed for proper baby skin care. You need to make sure that all of your baby’s skin stays clean and healthy. This means that you need to take very good care of your son or daughter’s laundry, limit exposure to the sun and treat any potential skin conditions as soon as they develop. Your son or daughter’s skin is a lot more sensitive than the skin you sport. Junior needs his parents to keep a watch out for skin conditions and stop them before they get bad. Thankfully, baby skin care is not all that complicated. The fact is that it doesn’t take much time at all to put together a good routine. These tips should help you.
Skip the powder when you change your son or daughter’s diaper. Many people use powder because it is supposed to soak up moisture and keep the baby dry inside his diaper.
The problem is that babies are able to inhale the fine dust that occurs when you sprinkle talcum powder on your child and yeast can grow in corn based starches. The best thing to do is forego the powders and starches all together and simply wash and dry the baby’s bottom before putting a new diaper on him. This will keep your baby’s skin clean and healthy and help you avoid rashes and other issues. You want to wash your baby’s clothing, new toys and bedding in gentle detergent that is hypoallergenic. Washing these things helps smooth them out a little bit and keep your baby’s skin protected. This practice is one most adults keep throughout their lives. Don’t you wash your new sheets and towels (and clothes) before you use them for the first time?
Don’t be too cavalier with your baby’s umbilical cord stump. Rubbing it, pulling on it and playing with it are bad ideas. Until it falls off simply swab it with rubbing alcohol a few times a day. Besides this wash, leave it alone. To be extra careful, don’t give your baby a regular bath until after the umbilical cord stump has fallen off. Fold down your newborn’s diaper so that the top ridge doesn’t irritate the umbilical cord. The stump area is sensitive and is easy to infect which is why a high level of care is important. The stump will leave behind a spot on your baby–talk to your pediatrician about how to best care for that spot.
Practicing proper baby skin care can be done via a variety of methods. It is vital that you remember that caring for your baby’s skin involves more than just regular bathing. Making sure that you use the correct laundry detergent, using sunscreen and letting your baby get some “naked time” every day are all important parts of proper baby skin care. Caring for and protecting your baby’s skin should be second nature before too long. Before too long it will feel like second nature to you!
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