Quick relef From Canker Sores

Ever since I was young I have suffered through periodic canker sores in my mouth. Long ago though it was, there has not been an end to it yet. About 20 percent of people share the same problem with white or yellow open sores popping up in their mouth. Canker sores are mouth sores encircled by a red area and are not cancer nor do they cause cancer. Small though they are, the pain they cause is huge and eating or drinking only makes it worse.

Also known as aphthous ulcers, canker sores happen in your mouth hence the pain when eating and drinking. They occur on the tongue, lips, base of the gums and inside of the cheek and lips – any part of the mouth that moves. They don’t seem to discriminate as I have had them in all those locations, usually alone but occasionally in a cluster of three or four.

{I can always feel them coming. There is a burning or tingling then a tiny bump pops up. It sends out shooting pain anytime I bump it on a tooth or with my tongue. After about 24 hours it splits open and the shallow wound appears. Big ones are up to an inch but mine are usually smaller. I’ve heard some people also get a fever and feel listless.|There is usually a slight burning or tingling when I am getting a canker sore. Not long after, the small lump comes out and there is a stabbing pain anytime it comes into contact with my teeth or tongue. Within twenty four hours the bump opens to reveal a shallow sore. Mine are usually about ¼ to ½ inch big but I’ve heard of others being up to an inch long.|When they first start I feel a tingly, burning sensation and not long after a small bulge pops up which send stabbing pains through my mouth when I hit it with my tongue or tooth. In twenty four hours the bulge pops and it becomes an open sore. Usually about ¼ to ½ inches in diameter some can be up to an inch in length.}

Canker sores are a type of mouth ulcer and for some reason occur more often in women than in men. They can appear at any age but usually between the ages of 10 and 40. I was about 10 when I first started getting them but am over 40 and they still crop up though not as frequently as they used to.

I heard they can run in families or be linked to your immune system, can happen after a mouth injury, dental work or vigorous teeth cleaning. They are also attributed to stress, menstrual periods, dietary deficiencies, hormones and any number of other causes. They occur with viral infections too.

The darn pain lasts from seven to ten days and I have tried everything from over the counter remedies applied right to the sore, and that is almost more painful than the sore itself, mouthwashes, salt rinses and anything else I could find. The whole time I can’t eat spicy or hot food, which are my favorites, because all but the mildest food causes unbearable pain.

My wife insisted I try a natural remedy called Aftazen and I finally got a full night’s sleep despite the canker sore in my mouth. I’ll never give it up.

Luckily canker sores are not contagious however they are caused by the herpes simplex virus which is capable of passing from one human to another. If you aren’t sure if its canker or cold sore remember canker sores only happen in your mouth while cold sores are always outside of your mouth.

About the the Author
Fed up with Canker Sores? Thousands of people suffer each day from them so if you want to know how to get rid of canker sores then read this informative article. It explains what canker sores are and what causes them as well as outline basic canker sores treatment No more canker sores..now theres a nice thought!

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