Top 5 Scifi Movies

After this movie I can not imagine what Christopher Nolan will come up with next. I thought maybe he would start to slip after his amazing The Dark Knight, but Inception is incredible. It is non-stop, fast paced and mind bending all the way through. So much action in different situations, at the same time, my mind was simply spinning after it was all done. If he manages to top this one, then he will surely make the top ten list of science fiction and fantasy movie directors.

The Matrix
This is a classic. I am convinced that The Matrix will always make my top five list of science fiction movies. In my opinion it is the best science fiction film of all time. I’ve seen it at least ten times and it never gets boring, What’s more, almost every time I watch it I see something I hadn’t spotted before. It has such a smooth, cool feel to it. It simply draws you in. I find myself just watching the fight scene between Neo and Morpheus on over and over again.

Star Wars (original trilogy)
Ok, so obviously, the Star Wars trilogy is three films so I am kind of cheating here. However, Star Wars no doubt holds a special place in history within the sci-fi genre,and probably within film making in general. I have only included the original trilogy here because these three films are more about the characters and the story telling, and not just about the special effects, which arguably cannot be said about the three prequel movies. Star Wars quite simply marked a turning point in science fiction movie history. Before then, most were cheesy. Since then movie makers have scrambled to compete.

2001: A Space Odyssey
Stanley Kubrick’s masterpiece where the computer (HAL) starts to take on human characteristics is one that will be around forever and will always be at the top of sci-fi lists, no matter how many competitors come along.

Blade Runner
This is one of the defining moments in scifi movie history. Man has developed the power to create replicants and some of them don’t behave as they should. The Blade Runner’s job is to hunt them down. Harrison Ford is the Blade Runner and Rutger Hauer gives an amazing performance as a replicant searching for his maker. Truly thought provoking stuff.

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