The Secret to Having Good Skin. Is it Genetics or food?

Now a days, clear skin is the thing to have. It doesn’t only represent beauty, but also great health. Many things we put in to our bodies will show on the outside, and a lot of people think that in some form or shape, they will end up looking like their family members. If those family members have acne, it seems like everything is just hopeless.

Since there’s very much information out there about how to get beautifully looking skin, it’s important to really hone in on the truth. If genetics is the thing that causes acne and other blemishes, you may think you can blame your problems on your parents. If diet is really the thing that causes an imperfect complexion, you can blame your midnight trips to Burger king or your weekly craving for french fries.

Well, genetics does play a role in how clear your skin is. However, genetics plays a role in a whole lot of things that have to do with you. That doesn’t mean you can’t still have fantastic skin.

Look at how genetics is a factor in obesity. Regardless that your genetics can say that you are more likely to end up too heavy, there are a lot of older people who have over weight parents. People understand their genes can cause unsatisfactory circumstances, so they alter their lifestyles to compensate. You can do the very same with your skin.

To adjust your diet and lifestyle, think about the foods you consume. Eating fatty, greasy, sugary foods is not good for your body. This is a known fact. And if those foods aren’t good for your body, they absolutely can’t be good for the skin you have on your face. Stay clear of foods like cheeseburgers or anything that’s fried. Also, avoid white starches such as white breads, white pasta, and white rice.

Sure genetics are likely involved, but the food you eat has a huge affect. To keep the skin clear, eat plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, and drink water. Keep your body clean by drinking a minimum of 8 glasses of water on a daily basis, and do not overcook your vegetables. Instead, just steam them lightly to retain crispness. Make sure you get fresh fruit of all different varieties so that you get all of the vitamins you need. Foods in particular that are excellent for your skin include cottage cheese, strawberries, sunflower seeds, blueberries, blackberries and flax seed. Many of these foods will not only keep your skin in healthy looking shape, but will also protect you from premature aging.

Remember that while genetics can play a part in a number of various things that go on in your life, such as your personality, your physical makeup, and how clear your skin is, there are almost always things you can get done to improve your situation.

Healthy, clear skin is right around the corner for you if you do the right things. You want to be healthy on the inside and have remarkable looking skin on the outside.

Clear skin is something lots of people want but just don’t know how to get. Visit the following link if you want to know more about how to get clear skin.

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