Tips On Picking The Right Type Of Sectional Sofa
If you are shopping around for new sofas, you might want to buy a sectional. They are probably the most versatile types of sofas available. You can find a sectional that will fit virtually any space and match any theme. Just take a look at the following options.
Sectionals come in all sorts of designs. You can buy them in materials such as leather, microfiber, and polyester. You can buy them in neutral colors such as black, white, or gray. If you want more of a rustic look, you can buy them in earthy colors such as chocolate and hunter green. If you own a modern style home or loft and want to go with a trendy look, you can get bright colors such as red, royal, and yellow.
There are also plenty of styles. You can buy the traditional sectional, which usually comes with an ottoman and built-in chaise. These are rectangular in nature and can be configured in a number of ways, such as the classic L shape, which is great for opening up floor space. You can create a U shape, which is great to get everyone in close proximity to each other for an intimate gathering. Or, you can scatter an ottoman or two across the room to create a lounge-like feel. Lastly, you can put everything together to create a larger surface to lay on. This is great if you have guests over night. Some sectionals, such as the sleeper sectional beds, have storage space underneath the cushions. These are convenient as they can store blankets and pillows. Sleeper sectionals also have larger, firmer cushions for added support.
You can also buy theatre style sectionals. These are great for creating a better TV or movie watching experience. Just as the name implies, these have theatre style seats, meaning they have a high back with a slight incline so you can sit back and rest your head. Some can even recline and pop out a leg rest with a pull of a lever. Many of them will feature cup holders and built in coolers, for those who don’t plan on getting up anytime soon. Theatre style sectionals are normally configured in a straight line. However, some can be found in a slight U, or V shape.
If you want a trendy look, you can go with contemporary style sectionals. Many of these come in shapes that are a far cry from the rectangular configurations of traditional sectionals. For example, the circular sectional seems to be a hot item these days. These can be configured into anywhere between a half to full circle. They can also be fashioned into an S, or other curved configuration. Some are even double sided so you seat crowds of people. Because of their odd shapes, contemporary sectionals are generally recommended only for larger rooms, as they take up a larger amount of space compared to their traditional counterparts. Many of them emphasize fashion or function because their odd shapes can make it hard to sit or lay down. Also, their streamlined construction tend to make them lower to the ground and have thinly padded cushions.
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