Healthy and Light: Portable Vaporizers Deliver
What’s the first thing many herb vaporizer buyers get after they acquire their first vaporizer? You guessed it—another one—a portable. It makes a lot of sense. Table top vaporizers are great for home and office, but what do you do when you are away for the weekend or waiting for an airplane?
The great thing is there are so many portable vaporizers to choose from. The smallest units don’t even have power cords, batteries or any way to generate heat. They rely on a separate lighter to provide enough heat to generate the vapor. The best advantage of handheld units is their small size. They range from the size of a pen light flashlight, to about the size of a kid’s walkie-talkie. Using various methods they can generate satisfying vapor that relaxes you on the go, and gives you the good feeling of knowing you’re not getting any toxins or carcinogens.
If you don’t need the flexibility of a completely handheld unit, consider the option of a smaller version of your tabletop investment. It doesn’t have to be the exact same model, but you might be able to use a hot box style desktop vaporizer. At less than half the weight of the top-selling high-end units, small tabletop vaporizers offer all the benefits of home use while on the go. They are not made for travel per se, but they are small enough to accommodate you on a weekend trip to the beach, a golf trip or long ski trip. In those scenarios a hand held unit may not be enough for your needs away from home. In a perfect scenario, consider investing in both.