A Third Party Review Of Trevo
There is already a lot of interest in this company who have produced a new nutritional supplementation product. There isn’t anything amazingly different about this juice but it has been given the thumbs up by Dr Brian Wilmovsky a top author. The Trevo juice has many different botanical and nutritious ingredients and offers a boost to a person’s health, there are in total over 174 ingredients in it from around the world.
The ingredients are what you would expect to find in such a product (aren’t all juices pretty much the same deal?). You can get it in a small shot size bottle which is perfect for keeping with you when you’re on the move (also useful for showing other people). There is also the standard bottle of 32 oz which retails at $49.
Mark and Holli Stevens started Trevo. Both Mark & Holli have been on the other side of the fence as distributors. Over their 16 years in network marketing they have built up some very impressive large teams and made a significant amount of money. There is no doubt there is some good leadership at the helm of this company
There are two things that I found especially intriguing about this company, the Trevo compass being the first. It’s a high tech tool that would be very useful in home parties, trade fairs and when looking to help new customers decide that they need your product. It’s based on scientific technology and will ‘test’ your prospect and show their deficiency in the ingredients that Trevo will provide! This is very useful, like me I’m sure you have spoken to many people who insist that they don’t need and vitamin or mineral supplements. All you do is get your prospect to rest their hand on the hand cradle and the device will do a bio-survey right there and then.
I also found the comp plan very interesting. They use what’s called a single-line matrix, this is actually fairly new to the mlm industry. This type of system allows you to be paid on the efforts of all those distributors who join after you, even if they are not in your immediate organization. Obviously you still have to hit your personal qualification levels but heck! This could be a VERY powerful system to be a part of.
There is a good training and coaching plan with Trevo. There seems to be some sort of training call every night of the week, and there is a specific call teaching people how to market their business using the internet. Its surprising the number of MLM companies who do not offer any sort of coaching in the field of online marketing, after all it seems that the internet is going to play an increasingly big part in business in the future.
There is the standard company website given to you but you will also be able to make changes to it, plus generate leads thorough the readymade lead capture system, and they even have a follow up system. Alhough these are very basic requirements when marketing online, not all mlm companies are providing these tools.
In general Trevo is one of the better companies out there, although its new, I have no doubt that they will do very well.
So are you going to be a top earner with this company? It’s a sorry thing to say, but many distributors, in fact the majority; won’t make it to the top. This won’t be because of the company, but because of a lack of marketing skills needed to generate sufficient leads and cashflow. Both these problems can be solved easily.
Trevo is a good business and something well worth joining. If you want more leads to your business you should visit his Network marketing training blog and pick up your free of charge video training course.