Build Your Immune System By Applying These Strategies

People get sick throughout the year however the winter time seems like a really hard time of year for the immune system. There is a reason that the winter season is dubbed “flu season.” Cooler weather and more severe weather conditions have all the makings for weakening the immune system. It’s hard to fight off a flu when you’re struggling to stay warm. The lack of access to fresh air and being compelled to spend most of your time indoors where it is stuffy can make it very difficult for your body to keep a cold from setting in. Cold and flu microbes appear to increase a lot faster in a home that has closed windows all day. Here are some things that can be done to boost your immune system.

Get physical exercise. Getting physical exercise frequently will make you sweat and that jacks up your endorphin levels. In addition to helping you keep fit and sustain your weight, regular exercise can help boost your immune system too. The endorphins that will spike through your whole body don’t just help keep your spirits elevated during the cold and dark months of winter. They help the immune system remain energized and that makes it easier to keep infections from setting in. Studies point out that getting five days of physical exercise every week can lessen the number of sick days you take from work by just about half.

Get a therapeutic massage. There are lots of reasons to treat yourself to a pampering “spa day.” In particular, Swedish massages have demostrated to be helpful in preventing colds and flues. A massage will stimulate the cells within you that fight against illness and raise your blood circulation at the same time. That sort of massage can also make it easier to relax. If you aren’t tensed up from anxiety, it is simpler to accomplish all sorts of things.

During “flu season” you may be tempted to lock yourself off from the world. The less time spent with other folks, the less likely you will be to come into contact with something that can make you sick, right? That is, theoretically, the truth. It is also correct that social interaction with friends enhances your spirits. We aren’t confident why but the body is a lot more powerful when you are joyful. You really need those afternoon lunches stuffed with fun and laughter to remain healthy. Your friends can’t be fended off. There are lots of things that can be done to combat whatever germs you pick up but there isn’t anything that replicates the endorphins and chemicals that get released when you’re having a fun time with friends.

Keeping healthy and balanced over the winter time doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, a lot of the items that you might be tempted to avoid may be the very things that help you stay healthy. Of course, when you get all excited about a different type of immune booster, talk with your doctor. Your doctor might be able to offer you some surprising advice for fighting off illness during “flu season”.

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