Herbal Vaporizers Bring Consumers Latest Technology
As vaporizers become more popular with people wanting to cut down on smoking, as well as consumers looking for a different way to extract key ingredients from herbs and oils, technology is keeping pace.
Some of the most innovative and best vaporizers on the market can now extract up to two more bags of vapor from previously spent herbs. This is a significant improvement over models from just a few years ago. The technology is more efficient and precise in how it translates the key ingredients into the vapor itself.
Another innovation that is proving popular are multi bag valves. One popular configuration has the ability to fill 5 different bags on one load. It looks like some sort of vapor-bag cactus plant with the arms sticking out everywhere! The newer units on the market operate very quickly which will be a great advantage if you have several people over, and everyone is clamoring for a bag of essence.
Still, despite the advances in technology make sure you operate the unit safely by breaking it in with a clean burn of 10 to 15 min. which will allow any moisture in the container to evaporate. It will also burn off any manufacturing packing oils left behind. You definitely don’t want some manufacturing packing oil burning into the wand or bag. Be sure to clean the unit on a regular basis by wiping down the exterior and cleaning the container. Also keep the wand and bags free of obstructions and debris.
Also take care with the glass wand as it can break off the heating element if not handled gently. Try not to raise it much higher or lower than the level of the heating element or put any undue stress on it. To clean the buildup of vaporized material inside the whip, remove any rubber tubing and the mouthpiece, and dip the whip and mouthpiece in rubbing alcohol.
It can take up to as much as a day for the rubbing alcohol to dissolve all of the crystals that are formed as residue to the vaporization process. Once all the crystals have dissolved off of the whip and the mouthpiece set them aside to dry. After they are completely dry you are ready to attach the wand to the mouthpiece and start vaporizing again.
The vaporizer itself can be cleaned by rinsing the bottom section as well as the vaporizer top with water. Soak the tube in white vinegar and then run it under tap water until it is completely rinsed and set it aside to dry. Use a clean towel to dry off any damp parts and once completely dry re-assemble the unit.