Niu Gensheng: We have been in the business

A view often heard: " Business Why has a wherefore. , "This is true? Business and in setting the boundaries again where? A view often heard:" Pioneering why has a wherefore. "This is true?

If this is true, then the business and in setting the boundaries lie? Sell The amount of 10 billion within a business, 10 billion is in setting outside of it? The birth of 10 years is a business, 10 years is in setting outside of it? Brand is the second venture, the first is in setting it?

Not the case, we have been in the business.

Haier will not start, but only in setting it? Microsoft will not start, but only in setting it? 500 will not start, but only in setting it?

Not the case, we have been in the business.

More than 100 million years of human existence, but still in business today, has never been Tingshui Shui: earth is "Shou-yeh." America has 200 years, but still start today, had never Tingshui Shui, the United States is "Shou-yeh." Aidi life to old invention to the old, and had never Tingshui Yue, Edison is in the "Shou-yeh."

Not, Edison has been in the business.

In fact, entrepreneurship, and in setting before and after the relationship is not, not parallel relationship, but contains the relationship to be included, entrepreneurship is eternal in setting is relative; Shou is another form of business, are all in setting business subset.

Capture new markets is of course start, hold the old market, it not start! Market changes, customers change, opponents of change, is change itself. Does not create new products, to hold it? Does not create a new channel to hold it? Does not create new customers be able to hold it? Maintaining the status quo can hold it? ?? In setting itself is also a business. That "growth is the business, not that in setting up" concept, it is full of innocence.

Take China Dairy Market, with a total capacity of double-digit annual rate in the expansion of market share even if we did the first, is still need to keep business in order to synchronize with the development of China's dairy industry. If one day, the total capacity into the high period of expansion coefficient of wandering in the zero line, then, if we do a market share of the first, is not to enter the so-called "Shou" on out? No, that is the business need to upgrade the age of wisdom. Today, the tide in the dairy industry, we just "follow them" can develop; to time, but need to "turning away" into the gap to find. Today we focus on "demand" on it, then they have to "create demand" in order to advance entrepreneurship is more difficult!

Moreover, for an enterprise, in addition to domestic market, as well as the global market; in addition to an extremely industry, there are to be undertaken. Market no borders, no border business.

The "start" and "Shou" as two different aspects of the concept of harmful, it will make many people misunderstood, business need to "move", and in setting the need "static" in; business need "passion" in setting is the need to "lonely"; entrepreneurs need to "expand", and in setting is needed, "restrained" in; business is the need "drastic", and in setting is needed, "nothing exciting" the … … word venture to create a more nearly than in setting off in setting than venture farther away from the passion.

This is totally wrong.

It is this misconception, let Li Zicheng scored Beijing will put down the gun, so Shangwutong Sheng went to the poles to the poles in decline, so that tens of thousands of students admitted to the university after the beginning the least "college." They are supposed to breathe, and then stop paddle oars strike, the result of a thousand miles back.

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