Hands Free Vaporizers Offer Freedom
One of the most popular accessories in the burgeoning vaporizer market is the hands-free whip. With a hands free option, you don’t have to take out the whip out repeatedly to clear it. You can keep the mouthpiece in your mouth as long as you want, and just draw on it at your leisure. Since it only takes (extremely) gentle draws to get decent vapor, you can sit in front of the TV for hours on end with complete use of your hands. This is especially useful when working on your computer for a long project, and you can’t be bothered to give up the use of one of your hands..
Like all vaporizer use, make sure you’re using it in a well ventilated area. If your particular brand uses fuses, plug it into the back of the unit or as directed. If the vaporizer is brand-new, run it for 10 to 15 min. to burn off any lingering manufacturing oil. After this first burn-in, you will only have to heat the unit for 5 to 10 min. to warm it up.
Set the temperature knob or digital indicator on the front of the unit once it is warmed up. It will take some practice and experimentation to come up with the best temperature for your particular herb. Let the unit get to the correct temperature which might take a minute. Your hands-free whip includes a glass tube with a screen and bowl area for the material. Take your desired material and fill the bowl no more than a third to half way. Tamp it down with a golf tee or pencil.
Then connect the glass tube to the whip and the other end to the unit (once it has achieved the correct temperature). With hands-free mode, you can take very relaxed breaths–it is designed to let you draw on the tube any time over a long period. Depending on the unit, you don’t have to release the glass from the element to clear it.
With a hands-free unit it’s important to clean the glass, the whip, and the unit as often as possible. You can run hot water through the tube and the glass for a quick cleaning. Once in a while soak them in alcohol or white vinegar overnight.
Hands-free vaporizers are another great feature that are bringing multiple new users into the vaporizer tent. Once they experience the ease of use and total enjoyment from quality vaporizer, they stay around.