Arrhythmias Irregular Heartbeats
Some individuals who have abnormal heartbeats might not even be aware of them. Awareness of heartbeats (referred to as palpitations) varies widely amongst persons. Some men and women can really feel typical heartbeats, and most people can feel heartbeats when they lie on their left side.
Arrhythmias have consequences that range from harmless to life threatening. The seriousness of an arrhythmia might not be closely linked with the severity of the symptoms it causes. Typically, the nature and severity of the underlying heart illness are additional crucial than the arrhythmia itself. Some life-threatening arrhythmias cause no symptoms. Otherwise inconsequential arrhythmias can cause severe symptoms.
When arrhythmias impair the person’s heart’s capability to pump blood, they can produce weakness, a reduced capacity for exercise, light-headedness, dizziness, and fainting. Fainting occurs when the heart is pumping so inefficiently, it can no longer maintain enough blood pressure. If such an arrhythmia persists, death may be a direct result.
Arrhythmias may well also aggravate the symptoms of underlying heart illness, including chest pain and shortness of breath. Arrhythmias that generate symptoms require prompt attention.
Typically, a person’s description of symptoms can help doctors make a preliminary diagnosis, determining the severity of the arrhythmia. One of the most important considerations are regardless of whether the palpitations are fast or slow, regular or irregular. If the palpitations are brief or prolonged? Whether or not the arrhythmia itself produces symptoms?
Doctors also have to know whether the palpitations happen. At rest or only during strenuous or unusual activity, regardless of whether they commence and quit suddenly or gradually. On the other hand, certain diagnostic procedures are usually required to decide the precise nature of the arrhythmia and its cause
People with suspected life-threatening arrhythmias are normally hospitalized. Their heart rhythm is continuously recorded and displayed on a television-type monitor by the bedside or nursing station. Therefore, any issues could be identified promptly.
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