The Process Of Credit Card Processing
Credit card processing happens every second of every minute of every hour of every day. Can you remember a time when we did not have credit cards and weren’t using them all the time? They are so handy that it is almost impossible to live without one; or three. All you have to do is jump online, find something you want, enter some details and press a button. It is that simple and we do not even stop to think about how it is done, or how hiring someone to do this process for us could improve our business and take away some of the stress and worry about money. It is only too common that when something is as easy as making a payment via credit card that we really do not stop to think about how it is done and what happens when something goes wrong, who is liable and what will happen to our money and product? That is why we should let the professionals worry about it whilst we sit back and relax.
Credit card processing requires a company checking the credit card particulars and funds, making sure they are not insufficient and whether or not that credit card may have been stolen. This just takes a second and your purchase will either be accepted or refused right in front of your very eyes. If it is accepted then the money will be put into the merchants account via a company like flo2cash. If it is rejected, then you better put some money on your credit card or else no more purchases for you. See, it is not that hard to understand, however there are so many different ways that credit card processing can be done that it is a tad mind boggling. You never truly think that one little bit of plastic could be the center of so much triviality and technology ; that is why we ought let someone else take care of it for us.
There are many different options offered to the customers through these companies.There is Web2pay (e-commerce), this accepts payments through your site either from your shopping cart or direct from an account. We all recognize what an online shopping cart is right? We go onto a site and add our products into a virtual cart that is ready for us when we proceed to the checkout. Although, sometimes we can get a little insane and when we get to that checkout we cannot afford it all. As luck would have it in cyber space there is no one to see us dump out a few products like there is when you are at an actual store fenced in by other shoppers and check out people. A different way is phone2pay (IVR), accept payment on the spot on completion of a job/service or directly from an invoice. This can be looked at as the ultimate alternative to mobile EFTPOS.
A brand-new process offered by Flo2cash is VT2Pay. VT in VT2Pay means Virtual Terminal. Virtual Terminal allows you to take credit card payments on-line, real-time via a secure interface. It is in essence an online version of the credit card swipe machines used in stores. It’s very easy to use, and available to anyone with a Flo2Cash account. This is a great resolution if you run a call centre or process mail orders or telephone orders manually.
Credit card processing comes in all shapes and sizes and really helps us understand what goes on when we swipe our cards or make those online purchases. If we take time out of our day to see how companies could help handle our transactions and make our business run a little smoother with more payment options, we could be making a great decision. It could be the best one you and your business will ever make.
If you have always wondered what goes into Credit Card Processing and how it could help you and your company, give the team at Flo2Cash a buzz today!