Manage Software Testing with a Plan
Having a thorough testing process is the best way to make sure that you release a product that consumers will buy, use, and recommend to others. You have to be able to rely on that testing process to satisfy necessary requirements, find and eliminate any bugs, and give you consistent results. The last thing you want to happen is to have to issue a recall of your product or come up with a patch to fix some gaping hole that you should have found during the testing phase. Don’t let that kind of embarrassment happen on your watch.
To ensure your software works the way it is supposed to, you need to have a software test plan in place. It is not enough to just run the test cases you can think of today; you must have a structured plan to draw from that allows you to consider any number of variables at any given time. Various scenarios of “if/then” equations need to be run and it would be an asset to have those in place ahead of time. Your results should always be consistent and verifiable.
In order to ensure that your software test plan is working, it is important to have requirements management software. Using requirements management software will be an invaluable tool for checking that your product is following all of the designer’s specifications and necessary requirements. As you run test cases on your product, you will need a quick and efficient way to keep track of changes and updates to the software as you complete the testing phase prior to the release of the product.
Implementing various software testing methodologies can make the difference between a final product that is good enough to be released and one that is excellent and that you will be proud to be associated with. It should be your number one goal to release a product that is superior to anything else on the market. Your software should be synonymous with quality.
When creating new software or making improvements to existing software, it is critical that you as a developer or project manager are able to test the software to make sure it works the way it is being designed to work. The only way to work out all of the possible bugs is to be able to foresee what kind of bugs your software may be vulnerable to and to test for them. You need to be able to create test cases to analyze how the software works. And you must be able to rely on the accuracy of the results of your test cases. Having a rigorous software testing plan in place before development can end up saving your business countless hours and a lot of money. As they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.