Pet Snake Care & Feeding
Snakes make for good pets. They require much less maintenance than caring for some of the more popular pets. If you want to try your hand at caring for one, there are a few things you’ll need to know. This article will give you a few tips on caring for pet snakes.
You will need to buy a proper enclosure for your pet snake. The tank needs to be about 3/4 the size of your snake’s length. Different species also have different activity levels, so this should also be taken into account.
Snakes are cold-blooded, so they don’t generate their own heat. Therefore, it’s vital that you provide them with a heat source. One side of the enclosure needs to have a higher temperature than the other. This will give them different locations to go when they need to regulate their body temperature.
Since you’ll be providing heat for your pet snake, you will also need to get a thermometer to monitor it. It’s best that you get a digital thermometer that has a probe. It’s vital that the temperature readings are accurate. Ideally, you’ll have more than one thermometer setup to monitor different areas inside the tank.
Your pet snake needs to have a big water bowl. It needs to be big enough to accommodate his bathing. Make sure that it isn’t easy to tip over though because snakes commonly tip their water bowls over and you’ll need to clean it up.
You need to set a regular feeding schedule for snake. You can choose to feed him live mice or rats or buy the frozen kind. If you use frozen mice, then you will need to thaw them out before feeding them to your pet.
Snakes need some place to hide whenever they feel unsafe. You have to place a hide box somewhere in the tank for this reason. Ideally, you’ll have two different hiding boxes on both ends of the enclosure.
These are a few tips on caring for pet snakes. Make sure you buy a reliable heat source because snakes can’t generate their own body heat. There also needs to be a water bowl big enough for your pet to bathe in. You can also feed your pet frozen or live mice or rats. However, if you use the frozen kind, you’ll need to set aside enough time to thaw them out before feeding them to the snake.
Edison Chase lives in Boston and writes about pets, fashion, businesses and the social scene. His interests include tattoo designs and gay guys online dating.