Vehicle warning lights serve a valuable and important function on emergency vehicles.
Vehicle warning lights inform us of danger, hazard and that we need to proceed with caution. Without Vehicle warning lights our first responders would be far more vulnerable on our roads and highways.
Vehicle warning lights are crucial for our first responders. A full flashing lightbar and visor lights are hard to miss and that is what any first response vehicle needs, high visibility. Without that high visibility first responders speeding to a priority call would be far more vulnerable on our highways. We need the warning lights to inform and advise us of situations we would need to avoid. We also need warning lights to tell us when we need to pull over or when a police officer needs us to stop at the roadside.
Any flashing lights we see at a roadside or on a city street need further attention and care when you approach. Vehicle warning lights flashing at a scene indicate there is an emergency that is being currently dealt with. Fire, police and medical personnel may be in attendance and they will all have some form of warning lights on their vehicles from a large lightbar to a single beacon strobe. All lighting on a vehicle is important from the smallest rear light to the largest light bar. Vehicle warning lights were once exclusively fitted externally on vehicles, but today there is a huge variety of internal lights for the dash, visor and rear window.
In this new age we tend to live in a kind of hermetically sealed bubble and we are completely wrapped up in our own little worlds. Often we ignore the wider world and all of the problems and horrible things in it. Ignorance however only serves to keep us unaware of many things that we really should be aware of. Did you know that there is at least one emergency worker per month killed at the roadside due to carelessness and ignorance? Drivers are often seen approaching a road traffic accident with many Vehicle warning lights, without dropping their speed or taking any extra precautions with their driving.
Its lack of awareness and general disregard for other road users that causes road traffic accidents in the first place, and with all of the Vehicle warning lights at a scene we have no excuse not to react accordingly. Vehicle warning lights serve a purpose and in any emergency situation they should help protect personnel and give us advance warning of danger or hazard. Many people would swear they were unaware of Vehicle warning lights ahead or personnel at roadside. Surely we are not that cocooned in our vehicles we block everything else out.
One excuse for not seeing Vehicle warning lights could be that they are such a regular sight we virtually don’t recognize them. We can take as little notice as necessary as long as we remain aware of our driving and actions when approaching the scene of an accident. We should all pay extra care and attention on our highways and if we did there would be less accidents, injuries and fatalities. Road traffic accidents increase in number every year and that is very poor statistic to hold our hands up to. Take notice of any Vehicle warning lights in your rear view mirror or up ahead and the roads could be a safer place for all of us.
Extreme Tactical Dynamics is a one-stop shop for
Vehicle warning lights and many other items like Flashlights, Deck Lights, police lights, etc. Please visit the site for more details of various items available –