Substation Automation System Architecture – Electrical industry – 24E1 SDH Multi
Abstract: In analyzing the common substation automation system structure, characteristics and based on the common system is inadequate, a 4 layer structure model based on integrated substation automation system. It is actually used is a hierarchical functional modular design, hardware and software can be modularized, standardized, different types of substation according to a wiring system to achieve a different configuration. Higher overall system reliability, maintainability and open better. Paper, more detailed description of the structure and principles of the system.
Keywords: substation automation; intelligent electronic device; architecture; substation
1 Introduction Computer technology, information technology, multimedia technology and intelligent control technology in power system automation has been widely used. Substation automation system using computer control, network, database, modern communications technology to all secondary substation equipment (including control, signal, measurement, protection, automatic device and remote devices, etc.), through the combination of features and optimize the design, Substation perform automatic monitoring, measurement, control and coordination to improve efficiency and management of substation level of an integrated automation system. It completely replaces the conventional monitoring devices, operation control cabinet, analog display cabinets, central information system, Transmitter And conventional remote devices and other equipment, improve safety and economic operation substation level. Substation Automation System to replace or update the traditional system of substation power system has become one of the major trends. This paper analyzes some typical substation automation system structure and technical features, in this based on the hierarchical object-oriented distributed architecture design, a new four-story structure of substation automation system.
Substation automation system architecture in accordance with design points can be divided into centralized, distributed and decentralized (layer) distributed; by installing physical location of the sub-screen can be divided into focus groups, hierarchical groups and dispersed in a device screen interval form of installation.
2 substation automation system structure and technical characteristics of the typical
2.1 centralized structure Centralized substation automation system features by information type. Use of such structure, the system function modules and hardware-independent, the function module connected by modular software, the information was centralized acquisition, processing and operations. Limited by the computer hardware level, the structure of the early application of more automation system, Figure 1 is a more typical centralized structure. [1] Such a structure on the monitoring host the high performance requirements, and the system capacity is limited, the development means less, the system openness, scalability and maintainability and so forth, is not strong anti-interference ability.
2.2 Distributed Architecture Distributed architecture design according to function, such as protection and control functions in accordance with division units, distributed implementation. Its structure using the principal way to work from the CPU, the functional modules, such as intelligent electronic devices (IntelligentElectronicDevice, IED) between the way the network technology or serial data communications. Distributed architecture helps system expansion and maintenance, reliability, partial system failure does not affect the normal operation of other modules. Installation screen, and layered with concentrated group set screen in two ways, better suited for the low-voltage substation.
2.3 dispersion (layer) distributed architecture
Dispersion (layer) distributed architecture uses "object-oriented" design. The so-called object-oriented, that is, a circuit for electrical equipment or electrical equipment spacing, spacing layer data acquisition and control unit (I / O unit) and protection unit scattered-site installation of the switch cabinet or other primary equipment near each other connected through communication networks, and monitoring host communication. At present, the structure of such systems are more popular in the automatic system was mainly due to: now IED devices are mostly designed according to object-oriented, such as the special line protection unit, transformer protection unit, a small current grounding?? Trend But the specific installation of wiring is still in the protection of the object-oriented; use Fieldbus Technical advantages, eliminating a large number of secondary wiring, control devices only through the twisted pair or fiber optic connection, design, equipment layout and tidy, to adjust the expansion is also very simple, low cost, easy operation and maintenance; systems and network devices robust, does not depend on communication network and the host, host, or one Taiwan IED equipment damage does not affect the normal operation of other equipment, operational reliability is guaranteed.
System structure is characterized by functional decentralized, centralized management. Dispersion (layer) distribution has two meanings: First, for the low voltage level, whether I / O unit or the protection unit installed in the corresponding interval Jieke switch plate cabinet, the formation of geographical dispersion distribution, such as [2 ] as shown in the system; Second, the voltage level of 110kV and above, if not the spacing unit installed in the corresponding switch cabinet, it should focus on group screen display cabinet in the corresponding interval corresponds to a clear distinction between the unit, the physical structure independent, in order to facilitate the unit interval corresponding operation and maintenance, such as in [3] discussed
These three categories substation automation system is a common drawback: As the power communication protocol incompatibilities, different interfaces and communication protocol conversion needed, therefore universal, open areas of weak performance, using the occasion to be more major restrictions.
3 new substation automation system 3.1 System Model
Computer, communications and network database technology to substation integrated management information possible. Computer local area network (LAN) technology into the substation automation systems, has become a research hotspot now. [4] proposed a 500kV substation in the introduction of information management program, it will all substation IED equipment through a dedicated gateway device connected directly to Ethernet, each station monitors, servers, workstations access the same network. But this program is expensive, technically complex, coordination difficulties and needs of different interfaces for communication protocol conversion, maintenance workload greater. LAN on how the introduction of information management and processing power communication protocol conversion of the two focal issues, as a new model in the light of proposed IEC standard 3-layer structure, the process of the original layer (processlevel), spacing layer ( baylevel), station-level layer (stationlevel) for process refinement layer (processlevel), secondary equipment control layer (secondarydevicecontrollevel), communication management (manage
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