Homemade Plyometric Boxes

Plyometric boxes are used to carry out plyometric exercises. Plyometric exercises majorly involve explosive movements like direction changing, landing and jumping exercises. These exercises are mainly aimed at improving a user’s speed, agility and conditioning of the body. You are likely to spend up to $200 to buy a plyometric box. Instead of spending this much you can decide to make your own plyometric boxes. Here we look at how to create homemade plyometric boxes that will become a very important part of your vertical jump equipment for increasing vertical jump.

Firstly, determine the kind of exercises that you will use your plyometric box to perform. The exercises will determine the measurement of the box. On a graph paper draw the measurements. Then assemble pine wood preferably the 2-by-4 wood. Ensure you assemble the wood that is in your desired length. That is the length of the wood you buy will depend on the height and width of the box you are going to make. Next start making the base of the plyometric box. You can do this by attaching four pieces of your wood. Then use wood glue and screws to fasten the pieces together. Then, at each corner of the base attach vertically other pieces of the wood and then then fasten the vertically pieces to the base with wood glue and have them screwed. Next, make the top of the box in the same way you made the base.

Plyometric Boxes Finishing Touch!

Then have the top surfaced glued onto the vertical pieces and screwed to fasten. At this stage you will have succeeded in making a functional plyometric box. From here, you will need to put the box onto the top support. This is to determine whether or not the box fits on the top support. In case your box does not fit onto the top box, use a pen or marker to make the correct measurement of the box as it rests on the top support. Use the marks you make to cut the box to the correct dimensions to fit on the top support. Then, on every side of your plyometric box glue a cross support and screw the support to secure. The supports should be placed diagonally over each other, and then alternate the diagonal supports directions to increase stability. The final step towards creating a cheap and functional plyometric box is to nail the top surface of the plyometric box onto the top of the support. Be sure to use lesser nails at the corners and more in other locations to provide for better support.

Plyometric Boxes and What to do Before You Take That First Jump?

Note: use 2-by-4 on the base and sides of your plyometric box to make the box sturdier. To make your box have a closed off look, you will need to attach pieces of plywood on every side of the box. Finally, to be on the safe side, be sure to test your plyometric boxes for stability before you start using them for any vigorous exercises. By making your own plyometric box for your exercises you will not only save money but you will have the pride of being able to make the plyometric boxes but if your lazy or just don’t have the time then you can always buy your plyometric boxes here already made to order and ready to ship to you.

Click here to learn more about plyometric boxes and how you can increasing vertical jump today.

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