New Ways to Find Joint Pain Relief

People have been looking for joint pain relief practically from the beginning of time. The reason for this is that people have always had to do some sort of manual labor to stay alive. We’ve always been hunters and gathers in the sense that we need to eat, so we need to work in order to track down food.

Fortunately, most of the human race no longer needs to gather food the old fashioned way. By growing it themselves, and hunting to stay alive. These things were hard on the joints, but since they also provided exercise, they probably were not as hard as current day where the majority of people use a computer for their livelihood. Repetitive motions such as typing and texting can cause problems such as carpal tunnel and joint degeneration. That’s why so many people now are on a search of joint pain relief.

But it’s never been easy. In ancient times the only choices to get joint pain relief were to use either hot or cold compresses. That would work to reduce swelling and minimize the pain, but it was very inefficient at fixing the underlying problem of dwindling joint cartilage.

The Chinese method of treatment was a little more advanced. They believed that joint pain and arthritis was due in part to heat or cold that damaged the flow of energy and disrupted a person’s Chi; less body energy meant less heat and caused the joints to become colder and less able to move easily. In order to bring the body back into motion, acupuncture and herbal medicines were used.

Today we can use a variety of methods to not only stop the pain, but also try to replenish liquids and lost cartilage. We do this mostly with a variety of natural substances, mixed with some scientifically proven healers like Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate. Most people know that they need to prevent further destruction of the joints, and these joint supplements are very good at giving ample joint pain relief.

It is interesting that even in the variety of methods used for joint pain relief; the treatment is always focused on two things. Treat the pain and swelling first to get the body moving and active again, secondly, as much as possible, repair the damage that has been done to the joints; doing whatever you need to do to make sure further damage is not done. For this, you’ll need to test a few of the options we’ve discussed here, and find the one that gives you the best joint pain relief possible.

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