How to convert mod camcorder video on Mac with MOD Converter for Mac?

MOD is one of recording formats used in digital tapeless camcorders. The format, only applicable to standard definition video files, is widely used by JVC, Panasonic and Canon in some models of digital camcorders. However, Mod is not common formats in other electronic devices. How to convert MOD on Mac to the more popular video or audio formats has became a problem for Camcorder users as below.

Q1: I have transferred movie clips from my JVC Everio to my Mac, but my Mac cannot open the .MOD files?

I thought I could just transfer video on to my Mac then view the video on there, and maybe put on a memory stick to give to friends too. But when I click on the transferred file which are .MOD files I can’t view them. Is this just a Mac thing? Can PC’s view a .MOD file?

Q2: Converter for JVC video camera .MOD for Mac?

I have a JVC Everio hard disk video camera and the .MOD files it creates can’t be read by my Mac (white notebook 10.6.2)

Is there any thing that will convert the files to a .MOV or other extension – I want to publish video to my web site as well.

What is the most universal extension or file type for video?

Q3: How can I import .mod files into iMovie?

on an apple mac, without paying for a download?

Why on earth does iMovie not do this?

For resolving these problems, I search a tool— MOD Converter for Mac in the website. Mac MOD Converter can help you convert MOD or other video files to the formats-MOV, MP4, AVI, MPG, DV and so forth. Those common formats can also be playable on various types of portable devices, such as iPad, iPad 2, iPod, iPod touch 4, iPhone, iPhone 4, Blackberry or Apple TV, PSP, PS3, etc.. I hope it is helpful for us.

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