The road to affiliate marketing

I am probably no different than anyone else who tries to start an Internet business. Totally confused! Just the fact that there is so much terrific information available, along with so many millionaire building programs that can be bought, a person just becomes overwhelmed. To much information. To many unconditionally guaranteed programs that will surely make a person wealthy.

In my quest to find something that would work for me, I have spent countless hours researching on line. Innocently leaving my email where ever it was required to learn more “marketing secrets” that their authors or marketers claimed would certainly make me rich.(for only $37.95) It seemed at that point that the only thing that certainly happened was that my in box suddenly is full of offers from more Guru’s and instant millionaires all of whom claimed to have the secret key to the kingdom that I had been so vainly seeking.(more on that later)

At first most of what I read was about creating a web site and then filling it with fresh content and the advertisers would, as they say, “beat a path to our door”. We did make an exceptionally enjoyable web site ( ) and, we are still waiting for that knock on the door.

During my research, I began to learn more and more about passive income. And then a thread began to develop along with much more research. After all, what could be better than spending my days at the beach or traveling with my family? The next obvious question became, how do I get this passive income and what will be the vehicle to get me to the realm of passive income?

For it seemed obvious that I had three avenues to pursue. I could start list building so that I would be able to market from that list, which seemed to be the slowest of the three choices. Next I could create a blog (which I have done), also not terribly fast, or I could go the way of article marketing.

For a person with a limited technical or web design experience, article marketing seemed to make the most sense to me. One of the best features of the article marketing model is that it takes almost no money to get started, and if a person wanted to it would be possible to be up and running in one day. At the end of this article, I will provide a link to a gentleman that has a tremendous multi-part training course (free) that will take you through the entire process from start to finish. An excellent course and something I use and highly recommend to anyone starting out in Internet marketing.

At present, we have written and published five articles, this being the fifth, all of which are being circulated the Internet. We have created Squidoo Lenses for all of them, and now we are standing by to see what happens. Along with creating more articles, I will continue working on my blog and try to build it up with traffic and of course monetization.

As promised here is the link to Make Money with John

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