Exposure frame: dark deposit car audio transmission of the disease when modified

In the car, we probably will not care how the car stereo, but the actual process of using the importance of car audio will be revealed. Imagine if a person driving down the road at high speed, continuous road will make you feel fall asleep, if not some music companion at this time, I am afraid is very easy to sleep to.

But apart from super-fans, it is estimated that no one from the perspective of sound to choose their own car, if found in the course of the effect of sound is not satisfactory, then rely on modification to solve the problem.

Audio equipment is used in automotive electronic products, its development and the automobile industry's development. Car audio market is divided into two parts: First, original equipment market, it is the car manufacturers in the car used in the production of a certain brand of car audio products as the standard configuration: The second is supporting the retail market, that face end consumer retail market, mainly Session car audio shop.

Order to enable consumers to spend the least money on a vehicle that best suits your sound, I looked at some relevant information, summarize the following issues should be noted:

Quality switching

With the steady development of China's auto market, many of the relevant product market has also been a rapid development. With the development will have profits, but also has a profit, will also follow up on fake and shoddy products, car audio market is naturally no exception. Many Chinese and foreign brands in China is rapidly upgrading this piece of the market, followed by well-known brands will be a lot of fake products and motor vehicle line sound because it involves the issue, so do not be sloppy, be sure to fake prevent sticking and inferior products. But the general appearance of counterfeit products from difficult to distinguish the difference between genuine and fake is the inherent quality and performance. In fact, to ensure the quality, nor is it a very difficult task. Be sure to install the audio to the factory authorized formal restaurant, remember to request an invoice. And counterfeit products are generally less than seismic resistance, hand pat the host may appear to stop playback or re-its reading of the phenomenon.

Fooled by appearances

Individual businesses in order to seek higher profits, will use less of the weakness of consumer expertise, to the consumer to some of the production of beautiful, but more expensive products. In fact, many products produced beautiful results are not necessarily very good, now I'm looking very plain appearance of products have very good results, and the center console Yehao with. So buy audio products, to focus on its internal.

Reasonable match

Car audio is divided into three categories, namely the display type, game type, and practical. Among these three categories display type is used to display products, not music. Competition type the name suggests, is used to participate in the competition, the use of the equipment are the best, expensive, not suitable for ordinary consumers to use. Practical is the average consumer needs, consumers according to their own economic situation and the type of music to choose preferences.

Professional installation

Choose professional installation shops in addition to formal quality assurance, it can guarantee safety. Installation of car audio related to the car line problem, if there is no technology to ensure it is easy to produce adverse consequences. Range from repeated repairs, resulting in economic losses, while in the circuit caused a fire, endangering the safety of occupants. Converted sound what a large part depend on adaptation. If the shop is not enough professional installation, adjustment is not in place, even brand-name products, also will not issue a good sound. In the formal installation of the store can also get excellent service.

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