Comedy Guys Defensive Driving

In the state of Texas defensive driving classes have long been a way to get rid of a ticket, get out of a high fine, even prevent the loss of a license or keep your insurance from skyrocketing. In the past defensive driving classes were run by the state, usually in some dark drab room somewhere with an instructor that looks as bored with his own material as you are. Still the cost of a defensive driving course was usually less than the cost of the alternative consequences so many people took the time from their lives and work schedules to take these courses.

Over time the state has done away with the classes it offered due to budgetary cuts but this does not mean that they have done away with the program that allows you to take a defensive driving class to get a ticket off of your driving record. Now other companies offer these classes, in some cases this makes taking these classes more of a burden since the costs is often more, but this is not always the case. If you are looking to take a defensive driving course it pays to look around because many of the courses are quite affordable.

One of the great things about defensive driving courses becoming privatized is that now you have more options when it comes to taking them. You no longer have to take time off work to attend a class at an extremely inconvenient time and at an inconvenient location. You can still attend regular classes if you have the time and it is what works best for you, but if you have a difficult work schedule or just can’t take time off of work there is another better option.

Online defensive driving courses are becoming a popular option that has been endorsed by the state; these classes are low cost, in many cases costing only $25 so they are not a financial burden to you. You do not have to miss work to take these classes either, since they are a work at your own pace and in your own time class. You won’t have to sit for 5 or 6 hours straight either; you can break them up into as small a segment as you need to in order to fit it into your schedule. Now you can take the class at any time of the day or night, no need to miss anything important.

There are a number of these classes that are approved by Texas but make sure that you double check this, only a course that is approved with be accepted in lieu of paying your ticket. You will need to get a certificate that is issued by the company that holds the class, since this is your proof to the court and your insurance company that you actually took the course.

If you are not up for an online course or you do not have a computer most of the companies that offer online courses also offer in person courses. Many of these courses are also affordable so make sure that you do some comparison shopping before you register for your course.

If the thought of sitting through 6 hours of listening to an instructor go on and on about defensive driving makes you shudder with anticipated boredom, keep in mind that you have options. Comedy defensive driving courses may seem like a silly thing to some, but then that is the whole point. A bit of laughter and silliness can make a 6 hour course go a lot faster, and a bit of laughter will almost make you feel like you enjoyed the course.

You may even actually learn something, since most people find that when they actually pay attention to the course, a natural side effect of enjoying the comedy routine that they learn something about driving that they did not know before. Instead of 6 hours feeling like 12 it may go by much quicker than you thought and you may find that you did not need to dread your defensive driving course as much as you thought you would.

Comedy Guys Defensive Driving offers a Texas court approved defensive driving course that can not only make all your driving woes go away, it just might chase way your blues as well. Our courses are highly affordable, and you can take them either in a classroom or online. Your certificate will be processed in as little as one day and you will be able to take care of this requirement and move on with life.

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