Contribution of Management Education in Business and Society

The aspects of relationship of business and society are well evident and known to everyone and the fact that Society depends on business for creation of sustainable of wealth creation. It ultimately leads to an improved quality of life. Business depends on society for an environment where it can meet its obligation to create that wealth.

Management education contributes to society through Creation of organizations that enable richer lives for their employees through Supply of essential products and services, Creation of wealth and economic development opportunities and Creation of more jobs.

Management education contributes directly to the society by facilitating economic development and service in almost every department of our society. Thus management education is a must today as it fills for most of the needs of a person to survive in today’s competitive and complex corporate world environment.

One of the special facts about human beings is that they are able to develop complex organizations with a purpose that enhances their quality of life. Management education is the component that develops that characteristic and produces leaders that are capable of creating organizations that provide significant value to society in terms of more employability and creation of more high paying jobs.

Such organizations are able to create electricity, sophisticated scientific instruments, transportation, food, and much better cures for existing diseases, better education system, goods for retail industry, entertainment, and almost everything else that enables civilization one step ahead the tribal level.

Proper Management education undoubtedly prepares people for participating meaningfully in these organizations and provides them with the tools that use to enhance their effectiveness. Thus we can say that Management education facilitates access to opportunities and wealth creation to an increasingly diverse population to fill the rising needs of those people to produce a sustainable development for the country.

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