What About Backpacks For Students
As long has humans and their ancestors have been walking upright, they have been carrying loads. Hands are good for that, but they have their limits. Backpacks increase one’s ability to carry, and at the same time leave the hands free for other things.
The origin of the backpack is certainly long before any historical records were made. The invention of the wheel led to the movement of most heavy loads off of the back and onto some sort of vehicle. Clearly, though, the backpack is still useful for many applications.
The first packs had bags made of skins. If they had frames, they were made of wood or bone. Modern models sometimes still use animal skins in the form of leather, though canvas or other heavy fabrics are more common. Plastics are also used for many parts, possibly even the main bag. Multiple compartments are used in all but the smallest designs to aid in organizing the load. The smaller models don’t have frames. When frames are used, they are usually made of aluminum because it is lightweight and not too expensive. More expensive models may use carbon fiber for the frames.
Many pack designs put the weight entirely onto the shoulders of the user with shoulder straps. Those that are designed for heavy loads will often shift most of the weight to the hips with some sort of hip belt. This shift is beneficial because the hips have more carrying capacity, and because moving the weight lower makes the user’s center of balance closer to where it would be without a pack. Shifting the load to the hips is most effectively done when the pack has a rigid frame.
It is common for packs that have frames to also have a bag, though this is not necessary. Some loads can be fastened directly to the frame. Some packs have a hybrid approach, where there is a smaller bag, and also plenty of room to tie things to the frame. These approaches work best with external frames; the bag itself is an an attachment to the frame. Internal frames are a different approach where the frame is actually built into the bag structure. These tend to be somewhat lighter.
Packs built to hold notebook computers have become popular. For many people they are less work than the over the shoulder types. Since they generally don’t look like they hold computers, they are less likely to be stolen. They have a compartment for the computer which is well padded for shock protection. Most of them have a layout that supports packing and carrying all of the stuff that goes with a computer.
Students who have to carry books and other materials often favor backpacks. In cases where younger students have heavy loads, there has been concern about overloads causing physical problems. Larger student designs often have wheels to minimize overloading of young bodies.
A backpack is often the best way to carry a light to moderate load. They are almost always easier to handle than a shoulder strap bag or a load in the hands. Since life is unpredictable, it is always good to keep the hands free.
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