5 Most Important Things In City Of Wonder
If you’ve been playing the game for a few days or even for long periods of time sat in front of your compuuter screen, you would have probably figured out the most important things in the game. Here’s a list of my top 5 most important things to master City of Wonder:
5)Know what to build and when
4)Know what goods to grow
3)Keeping your population happy
2)Have many allies
1)Coins and Gold
Knowing the importance of these 5 things is jut not good enough. How do you know when is the right time to build something? How can you constantly keep your population happy? And how can you gather so much money that you can literally buy anything building you want?
You could persevere and spend more hours trying to come up with a solution to the game or a strategy which will help your City to grow. This can be done, but there are always hidden gems in these games which we usually miss and are vital for you to conquer the game.
I stumbled across a game guide called City of Wonder Champ where a free mini course can be started to see if that helps you through the game or you could go straight to the main guide which is bursting full of detailed information and is also updated to the present day in City of Wonder including all expansions.
This is the one and only City of Wonder Guide out there. The contents are so crazily good that you will find yourself amongst the top in the game in no time. City of Wonder Champ shows you how you can make money fast and efficiently and at the same time being able to expand your city at lightning fast speed.
Don’t get left behind.. take a look at the free course and see what you think.
To gain access to the free City of Wonder Course visit City of Wonder Champ by clicking here. Also on the main screen you may like the walkthrough video they also provide to show you what other people are actually doing in the game.