Three Types of Ayurvedic Preparations

Ayurveda is an ancient science and a living tradition which has for millennia been developing new treatments and products as well as perfecting existent ones. There are several principal texts which have been handed down for generations that outline many of the specific formulations still used today. Perhaps the most famous among these is theSamhita of Charaka which includes twelve chapters outlining specific ayurvedic products for treatment of a variety of conditions. These formulations and many newer additions comprise the wide range ayurvedic products that are available today. Ayurvedic products take a many forms that are differentiated by their mediums or methods of application. The fundamental types of ayurvedic products are described below.

Perhaps the most famous and most enjoyable of all ayurvedic products are the rasayanas, or medicated jellies. These are made by blending a powerful herbal decoction with jaggery, or raw sugar, and then cooking it into a jelly preserve. These are sweet and satisfying, and they deliver the herbs to the blood and muscles with a potent nourishing boost. The most popular among ayurvedicrasayanas is Chyawanprash, which is a blend of almost 40 herbs, and it is renowned for its enhancement of almost all bodily functions, primarily the nutritional functions of the blood and the subtle channels.  Rasayanas are designed for many different purposes, and are one of the best ayurvedic products for long term use.

Aristas or medicated wines are another very potent form of ayurvedic preparation. They are made by mixing herbal decoctions with jaggery and yeast, which is then fermented for at least three months prior to use. The small amount of alcohol that is produced acts as a powerful vehicle for the healing properties of the combined herbs, delivering them deep into the subtle tissues of the nerves. These are great for a variety of applications but perhaps most so for vata related conditions which benefit from the heating effect of alcohol on the nerves. Most notably among these is Ashwagandharista which combines the subtle delivery and heating effect of alcohol with the powerful vata balancing and tissue strengthening effects of ashwagandha and 22 other herbs. It is great for calming nervousness and anxiety and invigorating a body worn out by the erraticism of vata imbalance. Aristas are a very powerful ayurvedic product.

Next among the most notable ayurvedic preparations are the ghritas, or medicated ghee. A grita fuses an herbal decoction with clarified butter, or ghee. Ghee is a powerful medium which is both rejuvenating to all tissues and deeply penetrating. Though ghritas are fatty they contain only short and readily digestible fats that do not accumulate in the body. They are incredibly nourishing and enhance the digestive capacity and activity of all parts of the body, thus helping the body to process accumulated toxins and available nutriment. Ghritas are a soothing and nutritious ayurvedic product that is suitable for daily and long term use.

Though there are many other ayurvedic products and preparations these three are the centerpiece to traditional ayurvedic dietary treatments. All are both potent and healthy, and in no way habit forming, rendering them an effective and safe addition to your dietary habits. Whether you want to spread a rasayana on your toast in the morning or a ghrita on your chappati at lunch these ayurvedic products fit in great with your natural eating routines. They are both tasty and a boon to your health. Try and enjoy!

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