[Photo] On page embedded implementation of streaming media jukebox – streaming m

Xi'an Jiaotong University, 1399 # Shu Yuan
1. About Streaming Media Large amount of data of multimedia information, the network transmission audio / video and other information are mainly two kinds of downloads and streaming program is adopted streaming player having received the principle that the data stream by the streaming media server computer to the user a continuous, real-time transmission, the client need not wait until all of the downloaded file, just a few seconds or 10 seconds after the start delay can be watched, with one side playing, while downloading, while discarding the way, to save the client storage space, efficient use of bandwidth, and truly works of intellectual property protection.

Streaming media transmission needs two conditions: support for streaming streaming media streaming server and can stream media files. There are three main streaming media companies dominate the market in this area:

(1) Microsoft Corporation WindowsMedia Http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/
(2) RealNetworks RealMedia Inc. Http://www.real.com (3) Apple's QuickTime Http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/

Figure 1 shows the process of playing streaming media network.
Figure 1 Principle of streaming media transmission
2. Streaming media files available online way
Text and image difference is that the browser itself can not play streaming media files, or install the required plug-in player, popular players such as WindowsMedia Player or Real Player can be appropriate sites are available for free download to use.

Streaming media files are generally two kinds of pages published by: page and page links embedded. Page embedded with the player as a base element of the page, video or audio without gaps in embedded in a Web page, when the page will automatically play when opened, its benefits are: (1) designers can completely control player appearance and function, also free to design the player size, location in the page, you can use the button, play the only designated files, seamless integration with the page. (2) through the page scripting language JavaScript or VBScript to control the player, you can create a custom player to achieve the look and special features such as jukebox functions to achieve the page.

For Windows Media or RealMedia video files include two documents: one for the video source file, a file pointer to point to the source file, use the pointer file to redirect the flow of information is mainly due to: common client currently browsing typically are not directly support the information used to play streaming protocol or RTSP, MMS, require a request to the streaming media server, streaming from the MediaServer to the broadcast pointer file specified video source files. In this paper, WindowsMedia an example of its realization [1].

Page The easiest way to join the video is on the page using HTML, adding points to a pointer file WebServer, first using a text editor generate yourfile.asx pointer file, which is plain text file, which the code is as follows:

<ASX Version="3.0">
<TITLE> Yourfile.asx </ TITLE>
<AUTHOR> Your Name </ AUTHOR>
<REF HREF="mms:// windows media server/sample.asf"/>
</ ENTRY> </ ASX> Its <entry> </ entry> can have more than that there are multiple streams to play, that is, playlists, each <entry> </ entry> There are between each flow of relevant information, including TITLE, AUTHOR, COPYRIGHT, etc.. Generate yourfile.asx file, upload it to the WebServer, and to and play pages in the same path.

Embedded page in IE using the ActiveX Control technology, NetscapeNavigator instead of using the plug-in technology. To achieve the streaming media player directly in the page, the first pointer with the above method to create asx files, or you can use the same asx, concrete realization of the case, as in MicrosoftFrontPage, by inserting the Windows MediaPlayer ActiveX control will be key in HTML, BODY automatically generate <object> </ object> code, as shown below. You have to do is change the Param your request parameters, which parameters Param FileName entry point to streaming media file pointer file asx, that http://server/path/your-file.asx, each parameter entry requirements according to their own settings.

<Object id = "MediaPlayer1" width = 180 height = 200
Classid = "CLSID: 22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95" Codebase = "http://activex.microsoft.com/activex/controls/mplayer/en/nsmp2inf.cab # Version = 5,1,52,701"

Standby = "Loading Microsoft ® Windows ® Media Playercomponents …"
Type = "application / x-oleobject" align = "middle">
<param Name="FileName" value="server/path/your-file.asx ">
<param Name="ShowStatusBar" value="True">
<param Name="DefaultFrame" value="mainFrame">
<Embed type = "application/x-mplayer2"
Pluginspage = "http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/MediaPlayer/"
Src = "http://server/path/your-file.asx" align = "middle"
Width = 176 Height = 144 Autostart = 1 Showcontrols = 0>
</ Embed> </ Object>

Appropriate size of the playback window:

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