The Best Websites being built on ASP.NET is not an updated or new version of ASP (Active Server Pages) but it’s a framework which has opened the gates to the future of web development and internet experience. The technology behind the framework allows server side scripting, i.e., it enables the scripts embedded in the web pages or web forms to be processed/executed by the internet server. has changed the face of internet today as we are able to browse and interact with much high graphitic web pages and applications of the internet which was not possible earlier.
One great feature of ASP.NET is Web Services. Web services are used to convert a normal software application to a web-application, which can later be used over the internet for its functionality or in-order to publish its message to the rest of the world over the web. For Example: many users would like to have a weather widget on their web site, but not many people will design a whole new widget. If someone creates a web service of the weather widget, then the user who wants to check the weather can use this web service and run its function to grab the weather report. Web services can be used for so many things like news feeds, currency exchange, etc. The ways in which they can be used are limited to human imagination!
ASP.NET technology also enables a developer or a programmer to make use of powerful programming languages such as C#, VB.NET etc. in developing more flexible, useful and interactive web applications. But unfortunately every user on the internet has a different bandwidth limitation and uses a different web browser which hinders the capability of enjoying heavy web applications and web pages. This is the main root cause which makes it necessary to use HTML as our default mark-up language. Even though HTML is a limiting factor here, ASP.NET has still managed to bring the concept of object oriented programming (OOP) to the internet. The concept of OOP enables a designer/developer to make use of all the resources of any scripting/programming language (C#, Perl, Python etc) in a much extensive manner and to create large software applications. Now with the help ASP.NET the same is applicable to the web applications and it makes the internet a much enjoyable and interesting place to hang online.
An ASP.NET file has the file extension “.aspx”. The .aspx file can contain HTML, XML (Extensible Markup Language) or scripting codes of the application. Whenever any user requests a web page or web application using over the internet, the script code of the page or application is compiled and executed at the server end and is retrieved in the form of an HTML page on the cache memory of the user’s computer system. This HTML page is interpreted by the browser and presents in front of the user the requested information.
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