Existing flat

on July 25, 2008 on the company's audio DSP and the D-class audio amplifier LSI held a press conference to explain the detail of the Audio LSI LSI business situation and the need to have the characteristics.

To audio LSI-based consumer-oriented products are the backbone of the company's business, accounting for 22% of global sales. Proportion of products for the same communications equipment, second only to 47% of products for industrial equipment. Moreover, the growth rate is relatively high, sales in 2007 increased by 23% over the previous year. In the Japanese market, the products for consumer devices share is as high as 59%, far exceeding sales accounted for 24% of the products for industrial equipment.

Flat-panel TV

The thinner the sound quality worse

In portable products, automotive equipment, flat panel


Audio LSI with the required characteristics of the presentation, journalists are most interested in flat-panel TV audio LSI with the required conditions. Flat-panel TV audio feature is roughly three problems. (1) difficult to maintain a high level audio features; (2) little heat sink installation space; (3) the need to delay the audio, and video to sync.

Figure 1: The existence of flat-panel TV audio problem

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(1), (2) the two issues mentioned in the year 2007 from the fuselage after the thin flat-panel TVs pursuit. As the body volume, the speaker must be thinner, smaller can be installed in the TV inside. Resulting in reduced ability to bass. Because the speaker is sometimes not possible within the general approach in the fuselage configuration, so its frequency characteristics will deteriorate, leading to the speaker output for some frequency instability. Moreover, the body also lead to reduction of volume can not install the audio amplifier heat sink.

Figure 2: TV is thinner bass more difficult

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For problem (1), the solution is to strengthen the audio DSP for signal processing. Specifically including the use of audio DSP technology enhanced bass, and smooth frequency characteristics of the equalizer technology. These techniques have been used in flat-panel TVs Analog Devices DSP "SigmaDSP" was used on. Taking into account the future to further thin flat-panel televisions will lead to complication of the frequency characteristic compensation, the company also intended to improve SigmaDSP processing power, while improving processing algorithms. For example, the SigmaDSP processing capacity from the current 75MIPS and 125MIPS raised to the next 150MIPS, 200MIPS. In this case, the current maximum of 10-band equalizer-band FIR filter tap number and the number will increase. In the processing algorithms, in addition to the company's independently developed, but also will use third-party manufacturers to develop the algorithm.

Lip sync of up to a total of 400ms of delay to eliminate

For problem (2), can not use analog technology, AB-class amplifiers, while the use of highly efficient Class D amplifier to resolve, and almost no heat sink of the amplifier. For example, Analog Devices D-class amplifier "ADAU1592" 30W when in power (each channel is 15W, stereo output), its efficiency as high as 87% (when load is 8 ).

Issues (3) is due to increased image data (full HD technology), and image processing of complex image processing time to extend the lead. In order to synchronize with the delayed video signal, audio signal output delay time, that lip sync the time to be extended. To this end, Analog Devices is also available with dedicated memory, audio LSI products. The use of the product can be up to the audio signal delay of 400ms (stereo signals up to 200ms).

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