Mary and Jesus – Do you know?
Upon being pregnant it was very hard and troublesome for Mary to be an unmarried mother because of their culture. Do you know that people in their town are ashamed of them knowing that a woman would be pregnant even there’s no accountable for what is going-on to her. As what what the bible said that it was hard for Mary and her family to believe that there is no responsible for her infant. It doesn’t been seen by their relatives as a sin alone for Mary, because like I said, their culture sees this infamy for the whole group/clan of Mary. Not that long after this happening, Mary went to her older cousin Elizabeth because the angel named Gabriel told her to do so; which is also tasked by God, father of Jesus. Have you notice that the visit was perhaps a way of getting Mary out of harm from her relatives that are raging because of this disrepute that they are in to. And that the house of Elizabeth was the safer place for Mary to go through.
And also after that is the promise of God that was included to Mary’s dream that Elizabeth will be given a child by the Holy Spirit that will be named John (John the Baptist) as we all know and that is because of Elizabeth’s ever faith and worship in God. After this occurrence, Mary and Joseph had to attend a census-taking for Jesus to be registered in Joseph’s ancestral town in Bethlehem. Upon journey, Mary gave birth to Jesus. Mary would have been helped during the birth by her female relatives because they are the only present on that said incident. But still the problem and harm is there always for Jesus because the King of Egypt ordered that all new born “son” would be killed and “daughter” shall live. And tha means Jesus would and should be killed by that time, of course you know why this King of Egypt wanting all the newly born baby boy to be killed, because of the apocalypse told the King of Egypt that this child will be the one whose going to take him down from his position.
But this “evil plan” was not suceeded because those people who serves as the midwife of Mary at that time was feared in God and did not do what the King of Egypt asks them too.
And after that, a ceremony was held for the woman who gave birth of the son of God. Joseph and Mary did everything that is God asked them too and come back to Jerusalem after it. And Jesus grew up as strong man filled with wisdom and the grace of God was upon him. God is guiding Jesus and leading him to the right path towards his all trial and misery. He always shows God in a unique way and shows everything about his father God. That is how Jesus means extraordinary above us all, always have the true faith to God and it gives him a full guidance to fulfill all the tasks assigned to him. Helps every individual he encounter suffering on sickness and pain. And by the words of God, prayers of her mother Mary for him and all of us, Jesus strengthened.