Project Management Software – A Perfect mix of Bug Tracking and Issue Management Software

As per wikipedia, “Project management is the discipline of planning, organizing, securing and managing resources to bring about the successful completion of specific project goals and objectives. It is sometimes conflated with program management, however technically that is actually a higher level construction: a group of related and somehow interdependent engineering projects.”

Project Management is nothing but a strategic approach to planning and guiding project procedures and delivers, from the beginning to ending point. The progressions are channelized through with the stages of initiation, planning, executing, controlling, and closing. Project Management can be employed to nearly all sort of project and is highly put-upon to manage the compound activities of software development projects.

To make the Project Management easy there are lots of Project Management Software and Tools that intended for diverse complexities of project, from small to large company-wide changes. Project Management Software are simply the software programs that support with enforcing knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to organize and manage resources, costs and schedules to fulfill the necessities of the specific project and admit much incorporated features as calendars, charts, tracking of people and budgets, generating of reports and scheduling.

The function of Project Management Software is to help project members succeed project and meet the project goals. Most of the Project Management Software is having the combination or modules of Bug Tracking Software and Issue Management Software that allows project teams to collaborate and get work done faster.

Bug Tracking Software is an application specifically developed to support quality certainty and help programmers to observe reported software bugs in their process. Most of the Bug Tracking Software systems, grant users to drop out bug reports instantly. Bug Tracking is used to organize issues and fix bugs. Typically Bug Tracking applications are incorporated with other Project Management Software Applications.

Issue Management Software supports the sort out and process of handling business issues and commonly involves using application to systematically automatize the progression. In Project Management, the intention of Issue Management Software is to guarantee that any concerns acknowledged during a project are coded in a well timed manner and resolved it before they turned out to be major problems.

ZOHO Projects is a feature-rich Project Management Software incorporated with the Issue Management and Bug Tracking applications that allows project teams to collaborate and get work done faster. You need not pay an arm-and-a-leg for an online project management software. ZOHO Projects even gives you one free project with unlimited users, no strings attached. With ZOHO Projects you can access your data anywhere and anytime.

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