PLC in the main mine drainage control system

By PLC automatic detection of water storage levels and other parameters, according to the water storage level of water, electricity mine of information and other factors, a mathematical model, rational management pumps running, you can reach peak averting to the valley and the conservation of energy. Introduced in Dai Mine Underground PLC control system composed of the main drainage system and application functions and features of the situation.

  1 Overview Computer control technology with rapid development of microprocessor core programmable logic controller (PLC) control has been gradually replace relay control, commonly used in the field of automatic control of all walks of life. The coal industry is no exception, but the main drainage system underground mine still use more relay control, pump stop and choose to switch to open by the man to complete, it can not do under the water level or other parameters automatically open stop pumps, which will seriously affect Underground main water pumping station management and economic efficiency.

Dai Mine was completed in 1999, the design production capacity of 1.8Mt / a of the modern mines, large underground water inflow, the central pump design and installation of the 5 sets of MD500-57 × 9 main drainage pump, auxiliary motor 1250kW, 3 Road trips drain. Normal gushing water, the two work in Taiwan, 2 spare, 1 repair. Given the advanced nature and reliability of the PLC, Handan Coal Industry Design Institute of the five main drainage pump station and its subsidiary vacuum system and pipe electric valve control devices such as the implementation of the PLC and operating parameters of automatic detection, dynamic display, and production data to the ground control center, real-time monitoring and alarm display. ?

System by detecting the water storage levels and other parameters to control the pump in turn work with the timely launch standby pump 5 pumps to run a reasonable schedule. System through the touch screen with graphics, images, data, text, etc., visual, image, in real time to reflect system operation and water storage level, the motor operating current, motor temperature, bearing temperature, 3 times a drain flow, and other parameters, and through communication modules and integrated monitoring and control console for data exchange. The system is reliable, easy operation, high automation, and can save the water pump running costs. ?

2, system components Daizhuang Central Pumping Station, the main underground drainage pump automatic control system as shown in Figure 1, the automatic control system consists of automatic data collection, automatic rotation job, automatic control, dynamic display and fault alarm and communications records interfaces such as five parts. ?

2,1 automatic data acquisition and detection

Automatic data acquisition and detection fall into two categories: analog and digital data of traffic data. ?

Analog test data are: the water storage level, the electrical current, the water pump axle temperature, motor temperature, 3 times a drain flow; digital test data are: high-pressure pump start counter vacuum circuit breaker and reactor vacuum contactor cabinet status, working status and power valve opening and closing position, pump working state, solenoid valve status, pump suction tube and vacuum pump outlet pressure. ?

Automatic data acquisition mainly achieved by the PLC, PLC analog input module through the continuous detection of sump water level sensor will change the signal level conversion processing unit time to calculate different rates of water level rise in water level segment, which judgment's Bay mine water, control drainage pump start and stop. Electrical current, pump axle temperature, motor temperature, drainage flow rate sensor and transmitter, mainly for monitoring the pump, the motor operating conditions, over-limit alarm, to avoid damage to pumps and motors. PLC digital input module will collect all kinds of switch signal to the PLC as the logic processing conditions and basis for control of drainage pump start and stop.

In the data collection process, the analogue signal processing is to transform analog signals into digital signals (A / D conversion), the transformation rate determined by the sampling laws. Under normal circumstances, the sampling frequency should be the highest frequency component analog signals more than 2 times, so by the A / D transformation can be fully restored to the accuracy of the original analog signal accuracy. A / D transformation of accuracy depends on the A / D converter bits. Such as 5V to 5mV precision voltage requirements change, the accuracy of 5mV/5V = 0.1%, or 1 / 1000 1000 in binary notation, decimal when the requirements for 10-bit, but the system used by A / D module resolution of 16bit, its accuracy is ± 0.05% or more, the accuracy level sufficient to meet the control system requirements. Meanwhile, PLC used in A / D module are integral way of transformation, allows the input signal peak noise and induction noise averaging for noisy industrial premises.

Figure 1 Daizhuang underground main drainage pump automatic monitoring system plan (abbreviated)

2,2 automatic rotation of work

To prevent alternate or backup pumps and electrical equipment, electrical and piping long without Ershi moisture or other electrical equipment failure without timely detection, when the work required to put the pump emergency standby pump failure, but not made in time but also on mine safety, the system program designed to work 5 pumps automatically control the rotation of the control program will start and stop times and the running time of pumps and piping and flow parameters using the number of automatically recorded and accumulated, the system run according to these parameters according to certain order automatic start and stop pumps and corresponding pipelines, pumps and pipelines to usage of each distribution, when a pump or the respective valve failure, a trip pipeline leaks, the system automatically audible alarm, and News flash on the touch screen display and record incidents, while the pump failure or pipe work automatically out of the rotation, the remaining pump and pipeline to continue the work of a certain sequence of automatic rotation, in order to achieve a fault early detection, early treatment, so as not to affect the safety of production purposes. ?

2,3 automatic System control design uses the Japan-based Omron Corporation C200HE PLC for the control of the host, this machine is modular, by the PLC rack, CPU, Digital I / O, analog input, power, communications, etc. modules. PLC automatic control system based on the level of the water storage level, underground electricity load of the high and low peaks and electricity sectors under the level of section, paragraph valley, peak electricity tariff period in paragraph (time period at any time according to actual situation Touch screen to adjust and set) and other factors, a mathematical model, rational management pumps, automatic and accurate issue of Kai, stop the pump command, control, five pumps running. ?

To ensure the safety of underground production, the system reliable operation, the water level signal is

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