Need and Challenges of Finding Qualified Business Faculty

Business schools can serve as a business knowledge creator steeped in the scientific method and may deliver effective business teaching like no other types of business education providers can do. This role of business schools is as critical for business school faculty as a professional differentiator that shapes and protects market value of future managers.

Even more importantly, the scholarship role of business faculty is an essential and irreplaceable function because societies and markets always turn to business schools for knowledge advances that reflect excellence in academic traditions of theory and methods demonstrating new and innovative Ideas those cabn brting about effective and positive changes.

Yet recurring shortages of new and well qualified Ph.D.s and the expectation that these shortages in academia will always be an ongoing condition for business schools, threaten the essence of business scholarship as schools tend to burden a shrinking number of research faculty in order to cope with the increasing growing demands in other professorial areas.

Many factors are responsible for a dearth of doctoral candidates in business, including demographic dips in relevant age groups. For the last decade, the economic cycle has heated in the United States and the lengthy time-to-degree in typical doctoral programs has magnified the costs of opportunities associated with such programs.

Traditional academic career is another contributing factor to a shortage of doctoral faculty. It provides the narrow parameters for earning promotion, tenure, or market rewards. This situation is less chaotic when supply exceeds demand and pressures for rapidly adaptive research on emerging business issues are relatively fewer. Business faculty that fails to make tenure often leaves academics.

Thus, highly qualified faculty is a must and the increasing scarcity in the supply pf such qualified professors is a problematic situation that needs to be accounted in order to provide sustainable and effective management education.

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