The importance of a business mentor

With many people starting their own businesses and projects these days, it often helps to have someone who can help you when you’re first starting out, or when times get rough. A business mentor has long been touted as an almost essential resource and source of support for anyone trying to make it in the business world. Here are some reasons why you should really have a business mentor.

• Insight from someone who’s been there before – A mentor will most likely be someone who has more experience or knowledge in a particular area to you. They are an important source of information and advice, and even if they don’t have all the answers for you themselves, they will most likely know people who they can put you in contact with. This will also help build your network of acquaintances and sources of information and advice.

• A mentor doesn’t have to be older than you – Although many young entrepreneurs seek help from older professionals, it works in reverse as well. A business mentor doesn’t necessarily have to be older than you – just wiser in a particular area you want to be more successful in, whether it’s management skills or conference planning. You may have just changed industries or are starting out a new company, even if you have many years of experience in a different area of business. Younger generations may also be savvier in terms of the most modern technologies, marketing methods, social media and other developments happening in the technology world that you should be aware of.

• It’s free – One of the things that make business mentoring so beneficial and accessible is the fact that it’s free. You’re getting top quality advice and executive coaching from a trusted friend or associate. There are top-notch businesses training courses you can undertake which will seriously benefit your business skills, but having someone on call round the clock in an emergency is beneficial too. Don’t forget, one day you’ll probably be able to return the favour to them when they’re in need of your expertise.

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