Making a killer presentation

Everyone would love to know how to make a killer presentation – one that’s well-researched, perfectly delivered, and stands out in the minds of the audience. By following some simple steps when preparing yourself for presentations, you can be a knockout in the office or boardroom.

• Know yourself – When preparing and practising for presentations, you need to consider your own personality. If you know you’re naturally quiet and shy, then you’ll need to work on that first and foremost. If you tend to get over excited and talk too much and too loudly, then take this into account too.

• Preparing – It almost goes without saying that you should be completely prepared for any speech or presentation you do. Some people prefer to avoid practising too much so they don’t sound too rehearsed, while others prefer to practise over and over until they sound spontaneous. Try to strike a balance between being very well prepared and over-rehearsed.

• Talk Slowly – It’s well-researched that people usually speak too fast when giving presentations. While the idea is not to drawl on for a lengthy period of time, make a conscious effort to slow down your words. This will also help you keep your thoughts organised and will help calm your nerves too.

• Get some training – In fact, presentation skills should be part of any good employee training. Organisations offer courses on how to improve your presentation skills and prepare thoroughly for business meetings, conferences and other important public speaking events you may need to take part in for work.

• Gauge the audience and occasion – It’s important to adjust your presentation style according to the occasion. Food and lollies are great if it’s a small presentation or team building exercise with your close co-workers, but not so great if you’re pitching to the CEO of another powerful company. You’ll also have to adjust your language and phrasing accordingly – you can be more colloquial and casual with close co-workers and more formal and professional at bigger events and presentations.

rogenSi can help you get the best out of your skills in the workplace. With intensive employee training programs, backed by years of scientific research, rogenSi has helped thousands of employees, managers and business owners excel in the workplace.

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