Small tips to be more focused at work

Team emails, clanking plates from the staff kitchen, that guy three rows behind you who loves blasting the latest tunes through his computer speakers all day long – The office can sometimes seem like the most unproductive place to get work done, especially if you work in an open plan office with lots of other employees. If you find yourself regularly distracted at work, there are some simple tips you can follow to keep focused (don’t worry, we’ll be brief – we know you have work to do.)

Use a weekly planner – Many time management experts swear by the use of a weekly planner rather than a daily to-do list. Using a weekly planner helps you complete tasks in order of importance and urgency, rather than trying to frantically cram all your work into one day, then having to reschedule tasks that you couldn’t get done.

Keep your files and emails organised – There’s no point having a tidy desk and all your physical paperwork organised if your computer desktop resembles a virtual forest of misplaced icons, unsorted files and folders with bizarre and useless names like “huifrhgjfe” or “NewFolder#678”. Spend some time every week organising your digital files so that they’re easier to find when you need them. This will also help you keep track of multiple versions of the same file you may be working on.

Take some training courses – There are plenty of organisational courses you can do to help you keep focused and organised in the workplace. If you find yourself spending too much time on small every day writing tasks such as emails, then consider taking a business writing course to help you communicate more quickly and efficiently in writing. There are plenty of other business coaching classes you can also take which can help you focus on your own specific issues and challenges at work.

rogenSi can help you get the best out of your skills in the workplace. With intensive business coaching programs, backed by years of scientific research, rogenSi has helped thousands of employees, managers and business owners excel in the workplace.

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