What kind of manager should you be?

If you’ve recently been promoted to a management position, or have moved to a new company in a new role, you’ll probably be wondering how to best tackle the challenge of managing employees while getting your own work done. Especially if you don’t have much experience managing people, you’ll need a helping hand as to how to decide what kind of manager to be. Here are some things to consider while assessing your new role.

Think about your industry
If you’re a manager in a retail or small business environment, chances are things are going to be a little more casual and relaxed than if you were a big manager at a huge multinational corporation. This is not to say that you won’t have to work hard and gain the respect and trust of your employees, but you don’t have to hold super-serious business meetings every morning or rule with an iron fist if you’re managing employees at a store which sells baby wear.

Take some training courses
There are plenty of resources and courses available for new managers or professionals who would like to refresh their skills set and approach to work. Consider taking some training in executive leadership, as they offer valuable skills and insight into the best ways to manage a team.

Have faith in your team
Ultimately, your team should feel as though they can work with you, share ideas, and they should respect your talents as a professional. It’s ok to be friendly with your employees, but make sure there is a professional distance maintained at all times in the workplace. Remember that personal friendships outside work can also affect in-office politics. If you’re feeling as though you need to boost team morale, you can always formulate some team building exercises, excursions or tasks to bring everyone closer and provide an all-important break from everyone’s busy work schedule.

rogenSi can help you get the best out of your skills in the workplace. With intensive executive leadership programs, backed by years of scientific research, rogenSi has helped thousands of employees, managers and business owners excel in the workplace.

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