Enhance brain activities with Piracetam
Our brain sits atop our body. It guides the entire functions of the body manoeuvres the organs to perform their respective duties. It is imperative to look after the brain. Earlier, the medicines available to boost the brain’s activities came with side effects. Their effect on the brain was debatable. With the advent of technology, a new class of drugs known as ‘nootropils are available in the market. These cognitive enhancers improve memory without any toxicity or additive properties. These improve concentration, mental focus, and intelligence. With the help of these drugs you can safely bid adieu to all memory problems and infuse a new spirit in your life.
Piracetam, is an innovative drug belonging to the category of ‘nootropils’ that helps in stimulating central nervous system of the body without any side effects. It works in a unique manner. It works directly on the Corpus Callosum of the brain- area that joins two hemispheres of the brain: creative and logic. This increases the brain functioning and allows the user to draw greater brain potential. It has been successfully used to treat alcohol and alcohol withdrawal syndrome in humans and animals. It also proved beneficial in treating senile involution dementia, and showed improvement in patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. It expedited the recovery process of patients who suffered with aphasia after stroke, and restored the functioning of body parts like limbs, speech, EEG. People suffering from acute cerebral ischemia have also benefited from Piracetam. It also helped people suffering from mild diffuse impairment by making them more socially adept. It has also improved learning accuracy among dyslexic children by increasing their reading, writing, and speaking skills. This wonder drug has benefitted elderly patients by reversing the typical EEG process associated with normal aging. It tends to increase the alpha and beta of EEG activity while reducing the theta and delta of EEG activity, that simultaneously increases the vigilance, attention, and memory of the user. This cognitive enhancer can be combined with other nootropils like Centrophenoxine, Choline, and DMAE. The combined effect produced will be greater than the individual effect when taken alone. It eliminates the cognitive defects induced by anti-elliptic drugs in humans.
The dosage should be limited to three 800 mg tablets twice a day, gradually lowering it to two to three tablets a day after few weeks. Remember, when combining two or more nootropils, individual dosage should be reduced. Side effects in the form of headaches, nausea may be experienced. Remember, brain is an integral part of body. With usage of regular supplements like Piracetam, you will be able to boost your brain activities. Do not ignore the early symptoms. Follow a healthy lifestyle and enjoy each day to the fullest.