Security+ Certification Course Description
Security+: A CompTIA Certification (Windows Server 2008) is the primary course you will need to take if your job responsibilities include securing network services, network devices, and network traffic. It is also the main course you will take to prepare for the CompTIA Security+ certification exam – 2008 Edition. (exam number SY0-201). In this course, you’ll build on your knowledge and professional experience with computer hardware, operating systems, and networks as you acquire the specific skills required to implement basic security services on any type of computer network. This course is targeted toward an Information Technology (IT) professional who has networking and administrative skills in Windows-based TCP/IP networks and familiarity with other operating systems, such as NetWare, Macintosh, UNIX/Linux, and OS/2, who wants to: further a career in IT by acquiring a foundational knowledge of security topics; prepare for the CompTIA Security+ certification examination; or use Security+ as the foundation for advanced security certifications or career roles. Basic Windows skills and fundamental understanding of computer and networking concepts are required. Students can obtain this level of skill and knowledge by taking the following Element K courses: Introduction to Networks and the Internet and any one or more of the following: `Introduction to Personal Computers: Using Windows 2000 Introduction to Personal Computers: Using Windows XPWindows 2000: IntroductionWindows XP: Introduction Windows XP Professional: Level 1 and Level 2 CompTIA A+ and Network+ certifications, or equivalent knowledge, and six to nine months experience in networking, including experience configuring and managing TCP/IP, are strongly recommended.Students can obtain this level of skill and knowledge by taking all of the following Element K courses: A+ Certification: Core Hardware Third Edition A CompTIA CertificationA+ Certification: Operating Systems Third Edition A CompTIA CertificationNetwork+ Certification: 4th Edition A CompTIA Certification CompTIA A+ Essentials (22-701) measures the necessary competencies of an entry-level IT professional with at least 500 hours of hands-on experience in the lab or field. It tests for the fundamentals of computer technology, networking and security, as well as the communication skills and professionalism now required of all entry-level IT professionals.CompTIA A+ Practical Application 220-702 exam is an extension of the knowledge and skills identified in CompTIA A+ Essentials, with more of a “hands-on” orientation focused on scenarios in which troubleshooting and tools must be applied to resolve problems.For a full list of objectives covered in the new exams please visit the CompTIA.