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HC heat network  The just-concluded Central Economic Work Conference that the study proposes to step up cultivation of new industries in China's overall strategic thinking, cultivating new economic growth point.

November 3 this year, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao made a speech in the capital sector, we should attach great importance to the new Energy Industrial development; 2 will focus its attention sensor network, key technology of Internet of things; Third, we must accelerate the microelectronic and optoelectronic materials and devices, new functional materials, high-performance structural materials, nanotechnology and materials science and technology research areas; Fourth, the use of life science to promote agriculture and Medicine Industrial development; 5 to bold exploration of space, oceans and the deep Earth.

Strategic emerging industries, not only related to China's economic structural adjustment and sustainable development, but also a profound change in the future, our lives. Edition starts today launched a "strategic new industry observation" section, readers with a glimpse five strategic blueprint for the development of new industries.

Wind, Solar Energy , Biomass and other renewable energy power generation is the mainstream of today's new energy power generation technology. Fossil fuels and hydropower, as an important complement to the new energy power generation increasingly concerned about the world.

In China, the new energy power generation cause of the rapid development in recent years. To one of the fastest growing wind power, for example, has achieved double the growth for three consecutive years, as of the end of 2008, the national total installed capacity of wind power reached 12.17 million kilowatts, ranking the fourth in the world. In 2002, China's total installed capacity of wind power still only 470,000 kilowatts.

Other types of new energy power generation while not on a large scale development of wind power, but their growth rate is quite alarming. Such as solar photovoltaic power station in China, only the western region has built 622, rely on these new energy sources, has solved the 1.345 million residents of the western region of basic electricity.

New energy is far from being totally out of shape

Nearly two years, with the wind around the building boom of the rise, we have a misconception seems to wind energy generation represented a great new hot trend. For example, a few years ago we only can see the rotation Dabancheng "big windmill," but in recent years, people suddenly discovered that the west of Xinjiang, Gansu, and the east coast, north to Inner Mongolia and Hainan in the Shen Zhou pop up into pieces on the ground "big windmill."

At the same time, production of solar photovoltaic cells, and also the manufacturers of polysilicon are blossoming out. According to statistics, by 2008, China's annual output of solar PV cells to 200 million kilowatts, accounting for global production of about 1 / 3, the highest in the world. However, wind power equipment, polysilicon blind investment and excess capacity have been widely criticized.

In fact, forget the operational level of right and wrong, just from the volume on the measure, new energy is far from being totally out of shape.

Rudong Wind Power Co., Ltd. CEO Kim Ji that, while wind power in recent years in the construction of new energy into the fastest and most areas of the scale, but the total installed capacity of wind power in China and the total power output in the total weight is also tiny, wind power generation installed capacity accounting for only less than 2% of the total installed capacity of wind power generation account for only less than 1% of generation capacity.

Solar and biomass power generation even more so, and its total installed generating capacity in China's huge volume of almost negligible. Such as biomass power generation, the national installed capacity in 2008 only 3.15 million kilowatts, equivalent to a medium and large scale thermal power plants. The solar power station is only a few million kilowatts installed capacity, but also not worth a fire power units. Therefore, the overall size of the new generation of energy, China can only be just beginning, definitely not to the point of excess.

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